PopMM - 23/12/24 00:00

[00:00] Lucas> En Steam se llama Mass Effect Legendary Edition, vienen los tres en uno. Es como una remaster nomás creo
[00:03] Invisible2> joseph you fixed?
[00:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[00:04] [Rw]Ninety> juegazos Lucas
[00:04] [Rw]Ninety> el primero es medio japa
[00:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> your backdoor backfired on you spin :P
[00:04] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:04] [D]Jusuf> we will find out
[00:04] [Rw]Ninety> pero 2 y 3 son juegazos
[00:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[00:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> i didnt bd
[00:05] [D]Jusuf> hard to pinpoint unless in play :V
[00:05] [D]Jusuf> because its so subtle
[00:05] [Rw]Headhunterz> well someone did from your base then you were there
[00:05] Invisible2> map?
[00:05] Bignoobmanfr> gg
[00:05] Lucas> Y... es del 2007
[00:05] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:05] [D]Jusuf> is this the map you do?
[00:05] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [D]Doom + Lucas + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [D]Jusuf + [AvA]lanche + [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP
[00:05] Lucas> Pero a mí los juegos viejos no me hacen asco para nada
[00:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> walls?
[00:05] [D]Jusuf> i play last two games on this so ill prob pass on this one
[00:05] Invisible2> sure
[00:06] Lucas> Estuve jugando al Deus Ex del 2011 creo que es. Juegazo mal
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> who was red that game
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> he got my pop
[00:06] Invisible2> spinn tell me your team bases
[00:06] Lucas> Lo tengo que terminar
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and d4r front
[00:06] [D]Doom> i want big base
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> jusuf center base
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> lanche every back
[00:06] [D]Jusuf> i cannot be center base
[00:06] [D]Doom> lol
[00:06] Lucas> You want big dick Doom
[00:06] [D]Jusuf> I attack like a retard
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> okay wait
[00:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and jusuf front
[00:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> d4r center base
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> ye prob best
[00:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lanche very back
[00:07] Invisible2> lucas big, who you want behind you?
[00:07] Lucas> So, just like always Joseph...
[00:07] Invisible2> kk
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> yes lucas lol
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> but as front at least i can defend
[00:07] [D]Doom> missing 1 player
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> and get damage as i can
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> Facu
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> nvm
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> Lucas
[00:07] [D]Jusuf> join D
[00:07] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AvA]lanche + [D]Doom + [GoD]Spinnifix vs. [D]Jusuf + D4R_OP + Lucas + LockdowN_TAS
[00:07] Lucas> Wjat
[00:07] Invisible2> best changed
[00:08] Lucas> What's D?
[00:08] Invisible2> tell me again lol
[00:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and invisible front
[00:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> doom center base
[00:08] [D]Jusuf> Divinitys Slaves
[00:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> lanche very back
[00:08] Lucas> Oh
[00:08] LockdowN_TAS> Me n Joseph front
[00:08] Invisible2> kk
[00:08] [D]Doom> toruk pls play support
[00:08] Lucas> I'd prefer to create my own Clown Clan
[00:08] [D]Jusuf> well until you do that
[00:08] [D]Jusuf> you can be with us clowns :V
[00:08] [AvA]lanche> I make no promises, Doom
[00:08] [D]Jusuf> think about it :monkastab:
[00:10] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[00:12] [D]Doom> nice
[00:12] Invisible2> ?
[00:12] [D]Jusuf> who got diddyd?
[00:12] [D]Doom> my game
[00:12] [D]Doom> trololo
[00:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> loooooool
[00:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> diddyd
[00:12] [Rw]Headhunterz> spin you streaming? im gonna go in bed but i wanne watch this
[00:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye i can
[00:13] [D]Jusuf> i think its a cute way of saying disconnected
[00:13] [D]Doom> lol
[00:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[00:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> @ Headhunterz
[00:13] [D]Doom> @Jusuf
[00:13] [Rw]Headhunterz> k
[00:13] LockdowN_TAS> diddyd you mean this :ohyes: ?
[00:13] [D]Doom> who miss?
[00:13] [D]Jusuf> dont pee on me :pepewhy:
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> i think HH was playing
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> but now going to bed
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> nvm
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> loca lucas
[00:14] [Rw]Headhunterz> o jeez this music
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> lol
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> spin music aint bad
[00:14] [D]Jusuf> sometimes
[00:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> i need some xtc for this
[00:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> i always have good nmusc
[00:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[00:16] Warp_drive> gg wp
[00:16] Warp_drive> rematchÐ
[00:16] [D]Jusuf> eric we had
[00:16] LockdowN_TAS> cant see u Spin
[00:16] [D]Jusuf> full hut lol
[00:16] Basz> gg
[00:16] [D]Jusuf> who missing
[00:16] [AvA]lanche> me
[00:16] Basz> no rematch
[00:16] [D]Doom> tourk
[00:16] Basz> was too easy
[00:16] [D]Jusuf> want my spot ian
[00:16] Basz> xd
[00:16] Warp_drive> lol
[00:16] [AvA]lanche> no
[00:16] Warp_drive> you didnt try
[00:16] Warp_drive> i suck
[00:16] [AvA]lanche> it's fine
[00:16] Warp_drive> 2vs1 too much for me
[00:16] Invisible2> take mine
[00:16] [D]Jusuf> sorry Eric did that to you
[00:16] Invisible2> its late over here
[00:16] LockdowN_TAS> Spin host
[00:16] Invisible2> will go sleep
[00:17] [D]Jusuf> gn Brandy
[00:17] Invisible2> gn
[00:17] [D]Doom> +1
[00:17] Invisible2> have fun guys
[00:17] [AvA]Mibbel> hi guys
[00:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> hmm i am watching the stream i dont want to play lol
[00:17] Basz> hi
[00:17] Basz> me and harry vs you and ava
[00:17] LockdowN_TAS> Joseph
[00:17] LockdowN_TAS> let Spin host
[00:17] [D]Jusuf> Ok
[00:17] Warp_drive> basz
[00:17] Warp_drive> 1vs1?
[00:17] Basz> no :P
[00:17] Warp_drive> dmanit
[00:18] [AvA]lanche out
[00:18] [D]Doom> join toruk
[00:18] [AvA]lanche in
[00:18] Basz> want me to host:?
[00:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + LockdowN_TAS + [D]Jusuf + [AvA]lanche vs. Lawyer_Johnson + D4R_OP + [D]Doom + Lucas
[00:18] [AvA]lanche> my god
[00:18] [D]Doom> lol
[00:18] [AvA]lanche> so many ppl want me to join
[00:19] [AvA]lanche> what's a guy to do?
[00:19] [D]Jusuf> whats wrong ian
[00:19] Basz> :(
[00:19] Basz> ava
[00:19] Invisible2> join me torukkkk
[00:19] Basz> thought you were with us
[00:19] Basz> :D
[00:19] Invisible2> joke
[00:19] [AvA]lanche> aaahhhhh
[00:19] Invisible2> gn
[00:19] Invisible2 out
[00:19] [D]Doom> this map?
[00:19] [D]Jusuf> can we not do fo
[00:19] Viezeharry> we have full py hut with you ava
[00:19] Basz> :(
[00:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> lanche wants to play with the big guys
[00:20] Warp_drive> me and mibbel?
[00:20] Viezeharry> we are playing sess haha
[00:20] Warp_drive> kk
[00:20] Warp_drive> get someone else
[00:20] Warp_drive> gl
[00:20] Viezeharry> still want to jon?
[00:20] Warp_drive> na
[00:20] Basz out
[00:20] Warp_drive> sess is fun
[00:20] Warp_drive> but you got no land
[00:20] Basz in
[00:21] Viezeharry> good for shaman skills
[00:21] Warp_drive> yeah
[00:21] Viezeharry> lets just goooo
[00:21] Warp_drive> but
[00:21] Basz> warp
[00:21] Warp_drive> yea?
[00:21] Viezeharry> there is nobody else to play, so letsgooo
[00:21] Basz> you wanted rematch
[00:21] Warp_drive> on another map
[00:21] Basz> now you have mibbel
[00:21] Viezeharry> sess better then no game
[00:21] Basz> you can mibbel us in the water
[00:21] Warp_drive> its boring camping map
[00:21] Warp_drive> lol+
[00:21] Basz> hotel map
[00:22] Viezeharry> last game warp
[00:22] Viezeharry> chilling in the lobby is worse
[00:22] Warp_drive> nah
[00:22] Warp_drive> im going to sleep
[00:22] Warp_drive> :D
[00:22] Basz> :(
[00:23] Warp_drive> we all sleep at night
[00:23] Warp_drive> some of us allways sleep
[00:23] Franco_Colapinto> no thanks guys
[00:24] Basz> :(*
[00:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> watching spin play
[00:27] Warp_drive out
[00:27] Warp_drive in
[00:30] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:30] Bignoobmanfr out
[00:30] Basz out
[00:31] Viezeharry out
[00:35] [Rw]Ninety out
[00:51] [D]Doom> gn
[00:51] [D]Doom out
[00:52] Lawyer_Johnson out
[00:53] Lawyer_Johnson in
[00:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> why did you quit eric spin litterly is on 4 pop lol
[00:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> 0 now only shaman haha
[00:54] Lawyer_Johnson> they had warriors got no troop huts it was over we need 4 shamans
[00:54] Lawyer_Johnson> if doom dint quit we might won it
[00:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> doom ren all his men straight into spin
[00:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[00:57] [D]Jusuf> gg
[00:57] [D]Jusuf> i did zero damage
[00:57] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[00:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol spin nothing left :P
[00:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[00:58] LockdowN_TAS> yea Eric sneaked in
[00:58] LockdowN_TAS> didnt notice
[00:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> he litterly had his shaman
[00:58] [AvA]lanche> we all have bad days, Joseph
[00:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> 0 pop
[00:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> doom shouldnt have quit and they might have won there
[00:58] LockdowN_TAS> yea
[00:58] [D]Jusuf> it wasnt bad day
[00:58] LockdowN_TAS> bad habbits as usual
[00:59] [D]Jusuf> I kept d4r occupied
[00:59] [D]Jusuf> still served purpose
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS> i also think they still had a chance to turned the game
[00:59] [AvA]lanche> well glad to hear it
[00:59] [AvA]lanche> Doom has been quitting a lot today. Cost me 4 pts
[00:59] D4R_OP> LockdowN_TAS> i also think they still had a chance to turned the game
[00:59] D4R_OP> but someone gave up, who would've expected :nice:
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> gn doom
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> who gave up
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> doom lol?
[01:00] LockdowN_TAS> yea D4R thats classic
[01:00] D4R_OP> ye Jo
[01:00] LockdowN_TAS> dont understimae D4R :pepefedora:
[01:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> he did lose 75% of his pop because he ren it into spin
[01:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> who fsed them all
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> oh i never underestimate Radek :V
[01:00] D4R_OP> still had somthing
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> but i feel bad i had to camp him a bit
[01:00] D4R_OP> should've stayed
[01:00] [D]Jusuf> but idk what else to do
[01:02] [D]Jusuf> maybe bed time :monkahmm:
[01:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> fine il play from bed
[01:02] [D]Jusuf> idk we get another
[01:02] LockdowN_TAS> if Eric, Lucas and Toruk join
[01:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> sess
[01:02] [D]Jusuf> its late for ian to play
[01:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> its time
[01:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> 1 more time to own
[01:03] LockdowN_TAS> late?
[01:03] Lawyer_Johnson out
[01:03] LockdowN_TAS> get Lucas
[01:03] LockdowN_TAS> Joseph, ask him
[01:03] LockdowN_TAS> in spanish
[01:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> yeee
[01:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> lucas
[01:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[01:03] [Rw]AlaN_90> @Doom97.cu afloja con los quits papi
[01:03] [D]Jusuf> cabron, entra la hut
[01:03] [Rw]AlaN_90> La gente te estýý puteando
[01:03] Lucas> I'm having dinner guys, sorry
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> tu erey jugar populous
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> eres
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> no come
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> tu eres jugar
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> there i communicated with him guys
[01:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> the pop day has just started
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> lool
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> argentinians eat lunch late
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> i waited for u Spin jeez
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> i mean dinner
[01:04] [Rw]AlaN_90> You all bad
[01:04] [D]Jusuf> ive noticed
[01:04] Lucas> Doom terminó con un K/D de 14/4, no sé cómo hiciste amigo
[01:04] [Rw]AlaN_90> Cept for danny
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> i joined around 11pm
[01:04] [Rw]AlaN_90> Danny very good
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> and u joined around 3am my time
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> :fu:
[01:04] LockdowN_TAS> late as usual
[01:05] LockdowN_TAS> logged in*
[01:05] Lucas> Y emcima quiteaste cuando no tenían pop tus enemigos
[01:05] Lucas> Sos la vergüenza man
[01:05] [D]Jusuf> when you mention dooms bad k/d
[01:05] LockdowN_TAS> thx Alan :howdy:
[01:05] [D]Jusuf> he says something like "its not my intent to kill shamans, its to do damage"
[01:05] [D]Jusuf> lol
[01:05] Lucas> I always have bad K/D
[01:06] Lucas> Regardless, doesn't matter if you have good pop killed or buildings destroyed, but...
[01:06] [D]Jusuf> well 4/14 is a bit much
[01:06] [D]Jusuf> thats a lot of lost mana
[01:06] Lucas> He took all the space
[01:06] Lucas> And didn't make troops
[01:06] [D]Jusuf> lol
[01:06] Lucas> Had to tell him to make troops because Eric was about to get bukaked
[01:06] [D]Jusuf> did he expand then use that space too
[01:06] LockdowN_TAS> lmaooo
[01:07] LockdowN_TAS> and thats true
[01:07] Lucas> He didn't, I've had to expand
[01:07] [D]Jusuf> well doom is learning back base, but he still needs some practice at it
[01:07] [D]Jusuf> his focus is to be like tsu sometimes it seems
[01:07] [D]Jusuf> but tsu is master of troops and mana
[01:07] D4R_OP> :sit:
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> so do i go to sleep or this going somewere
[01:08] LockdowN_TAS> waitttttttt
[01:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait 1 h
[01:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> for lucas
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[01:08] LockdowN_TAS> ^^
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> its 2:10
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> on a sunday
[01:08] Lucas> lol
[01:08] [D]Jusuf> do you work tomorrow
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> well monday
[01:08] Lucas> Get someone else ffs
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> actually
[01:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> no i got 2 weeks off
[01:08] [D]Jusuf> oh then stfu
[01:08] LockdowN_TAS> then play
[01:08] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[01:08] [D]Jusuf> and hang
[01:08] Lucas> Spin I saw your shaman all alone
[01:09] Lucas> In a strip
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS> its xmas eve tomorrow anyway so
[01:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> ik mann
[01:09] [Rw]Headhunterz> but i have to do my christmas presents shopping tommorow
[01:09] Lucas> Pissing herself
[01:09] [D]Jusuf> tomorrow lmao
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf danny
[01:09] [D]Jusuf> very late :V
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> i was outside for 2h
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> lolol
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> and i just came home
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS> yea Tsu
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS> you had ur breakfast
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS> and so did i
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS> its time now
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> well i need to wash my hands and toilet etc
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> need 5mins for that
[01:09] Lucas> Go Tsu, please record, so Doom learn to make the real AFK plays
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> if someone else joisn you can go
[01:10] LockdowN_TAS> we gonna wait for u
[01:10] LockdowN_TAS> 1h is fine too
[01:10] Zpektrix_TAS> lol i doubt it
[01:10] D4R_OP> :nice:
[01:10] Zpektrix_TAS> but ok brb then
[01:11] Lucas> Gonna learn to set up stream
[01:11] Lucas> So everyone can watch the best player in the world
[01:11] Lucas> Do his dids
[01:11] [D]Jusuf> your going to stream nici playing?
[01:11] Lucas> And by best player in the world I mean, of course, obviously: ME
[01:12] [D]Jusuf> :monkahmm:
[01:12] LockdowN_TAS> me rite?
[01:12] Lucas> And by sharing my knowledge
[01:12] Lucas> You shall get better
[01:12] LockdowN_TAS> :nice:
[01:12] [D]Jusuf> i know all there is to know
[01:12] Lucas> You'll learn how I afk my shaman
[01:12] [D]Jusuf> i just make retarded decisiona
[01:12] Lucas> and my troops
[01:12] Lucas> And my pop
[01:12] [D]Jusuf> and dont change my approach
[01:12] [D]Jusuf> and weak ah shaman
[01:12] Bignoobmanfr in
[01:13] Bignoobmanfr out
[01:13] Lucas> You all are lucky I'm from a distant country and get high ping
[01:13] Lucas> Or else you would get pound so hard
[01:13] [D]Jusuf> well i agree tbh
[01:13] [D]Jusuf> same could be said for danny tho
[01:13] [D]Jusuf> or tsu
[01:14] Lucas> What the fuck do I need
[01:14] Lucas> Obs
[01:14] Lucas> ?
[01:14] [D]Jusuf> idk
[01:14] [D]Jusuf> a lot of people use it
[01:15] [D]Jusuf> but i feel it will make your ping worse
[01:15] [D]Jusuf> and youll lag
[01:15] Lucas> Why?
[01:15] [D]Jusuf> doesnt it use net too?
[01:15] [D]Jusuf> to upload
[01:15] Lucas> Oh
[01:15] LockdowN_TAS> you dont need obs
[01:15] LockdowN_TAS> just create twitch acc
[01:15] Lucas> But do you think it takes too much bandwidth?
[01:15] LockdowN_TAS> i think so
[01:15] [D]Jusuf> idk pop streamer dont really work anymore danny
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> i have no clue lucas
[01:16] LockdowN_TAS> is it?
[01:16] LockdowN_TAS> well, you need obs then
[01:16] Lucas> I have 200 upload
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> i tried setting up pop streamer many times no luck
[01:16] Lucas> That isn't enough?
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> well i said upload but idk what it is, you could always try
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> but most players do use obs yes
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> tsu what do you use
[01:16] [D]Jusuf> to stream
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[01:17] Lucas> Gonna ask GPT what's best to strem
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[01:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright lets go
[01:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + [D]Jusuf vs. LockdowN_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz + Zpektrix_TAS
[01:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> so i can go to sleep soon
[01:18] [D]Jusuf> good idea lucas
[01:20] Franco_Colapinto> es de trolazo usar chat gpt
[01:20] Lucas> A tu hermana uso
[01:21] Lucas> Y no me dice trolo ella
[01:21] Franco_Colapinto> aca esta la tuya
[01:21] Franco_Colapinto> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpStaofDEaE
[01:26] Lucas out
[01:29] Santiml in
[01:32] Franco_Colapinto> q onda santi
[01:32] [AvA]Mibbel in
[01:33] [AvA]lanche out
[01:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[01:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[01:48] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp team
[01:49] LockdowN_TAS> ggs
[01:49] Zpektrix_TAS> i was only trooping whole game
[01:49] [D]Jusuf> ggs and gn
[01:49] [D]Jusuf> :poof:
[01:49] [D]Jusuf out
[01:49] [AvA]Mibbel out
[01:49] Zpektrix_TAS> danny is my automata
[01:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> danny playing rly good
[01:50] Saito_Vdm out
[01:50] LockdowN_TAS> :pepefedora:
[01:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> south africa for ever
[01:50] LockdowN_TAS> guess my 2 month retirement is working
[01:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> player of the day nice sounds good ontop of the monthly league as well been playing to much i guess lol
[01:51] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[01:51] LockdowN_TAS> loool
[01:51] LockdowN_TAS> pop addict
[01:51] Zpektrix_TAS> danny got rid of pop alcohol
[01:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> welll this is my first month back after 5 years so
[01:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> :pepefedora:
[01:52] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[01:52] LockdowN_TAS> where you from Head?
[01:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> netherlands
[01:53] LockdowN_TAS> :monkamega:
[01:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> its 3 here now guess i should go to sleep lol
[01:53] LockdowN_TAS> yupp
[01:53] LockdowN_TAS> gn m8 :howdy:
[01:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright im out goodnight
[01:53] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[02:10] D4R_OP> :howdy:
[02:10] D4R_OP out
[02:14] LockdowN_TAS> :howdy:
[02:14] LockdowN_TAS out
[02:17] Franco_Colapinto out
[02:50] Updog_TSI in
[04:05] Itsuna in
[04:19] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[04:32] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[04:34] Updog_TSI out
[04:40] Updog_TSI in
[04:54] Zpektrix_TAS> midnight 1v1v1
[04:54] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[04:56] Updog_TSI> lol
[04:56] Updog_TSI> midnight club 3 dub edition
[04:58] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Its lonely
[05:00] Zpektrix_TAS out
[05:01] Zpektrix_TAS in
[05:01] Zpektrix_TAS out
[05:01] Zpektrix_TAS in
[05:02] adray_tsi out
[05:03] Updog_TSI> .
[05:03] Updog_TSI> greetings hut inhabitants
[05:04] Updog_TSI> what map shall we play
[05:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> idm
[05:39] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[05:39] Zpektrix_TAS> nice carry ice
[05:39] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gg
[05:39] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> yeah wp ice
[05:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> wp tsu
[05:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> gg
[05:40] Zpektrix_TAS> ty
[05:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> rm?
[05:40] Zpektrix_TAS> i was shivering
[05:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> lol me too
[05:40] Zpektrix_TAS> i forgot eating foods
[05:40] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[05:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> its cold af
[05:43] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +1
[06:10] Bignoobmanfr in
[06:10] Bignoobmanfr out
[06:27] Itsuna out
[06:42] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[07:01] IncaWarrior out
[07:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[07:05] IncaWarrior in
[07:12] rothinc in
[07:25] rothinc out
[07:39] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ggwp
[07:40] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> ggs
[07:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> tsu
[07:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> come
[08:04] Zpektrix_TAS out
[08:18] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[08:23] Updog_TSI out
[08:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI in
[08:41] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI out
[08:46] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI in
[08:47] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI out
[08:55] AtomicO_o in
[08:56] AtomicO_o out
[08:57] jammy in
[09:14] Vertigo in
[09:29] Vertigo out
[09:33] AtomicO_o in
[09:33] AtomicO_o out
[09:45] Pjeter in
[09:45] AtomicO_o in
[09:45] AtomicO_o> ciao peter
[09:45] AtomicO_o> :P
[09:46] Pjeter> ciao atomico
[09:46] AtomicO_o> come và
[09:46] AtomicO_o> ti va un 1v1 unranked
[09:46] AtomicO_o> just fun
[09:46] AtomicO_o> e tanti fulmini
[09:47] Pjeter> male
[09:52] AtomicO_o> :lol:
[09:53] AtomicO_o> ti sei spostato dall italia ?
[09:54] AtomicO_o> +1 1v1 on the best game ver made
[09:54] AtomicO_o> ever
[09:57] Pjeter out
[10:18] AtomicO_o> hi jammy wanna 1v1 blast war?
[10:19] jammy> hi, some other time mix
[10:19] AtomicO_o> oky
[10:20] Pjeter in
[10:26] AtomicO_o> ill play slow
[10:26] AtomicO_o> dw jammy
[10:26] AtomicO_o> im asleep
[10:38] Pjeter out
[10:46] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[10:48] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[10:48] AtomicO_o> SUBB ZERO :o HI
[10:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero> yo
[10:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[10:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[10:49] AtomicO_o> +1 1v1
[10:49] AtomicO_o> rank or unrank
[10:50] [Rw]Headhunterz> i wish for christmas a full matchmaker please
[10:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> il go play some solo campains :P
[10:52] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[10:53] susy in
[10:56] AtomicO_o> ciao susy
[10:56] AtomicO_o> nice nick
[10:59] susy> how can i add computer players to the game?
[11:01] AtomicO_o> mmm u need click on computers players on
[11:01] AtomicO_o> in lobby
[11:01] susy> i did, but i was alone and won imidietly
[11:02] AtomicO_o> u need click computers on
[11:02] AtomicO_o> computers players
[11:02] susy> i did
[11:02] AtomicO_o> weird
[11:03] susy> can you show me?
[11:04] AtomicO_o> mm if u join me yes
[11:04] susy> i dont wanna play but i wanna know how it works
[11:05] AtomicO_o> u will be able to build practice but computer doesnt play
[11:07] susy> thanks
[11:07] AtomicO_o> ure welcome
[11:07] susy out
[11:20] AtomicO_o out
[11:40] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[11:41] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[11:54] AtomicO_o in
[11:55] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[12:04] AtomicO_o> molment
[12:04] AtomicO_o> moment
[12:06] Invisible2 in
[12:06] Invisible2 out
[12:18] Saito_Vdm in
[12:26] Warp_drive out
[12:26] Warp_drive in
[12:26] Warp_drive> rematch?
[12:27] AtomicO_o> no nub
[12:27] AtomicO_o> my mouse again unfixed
[12:27] AtomicO_o out
[12:28] Saito_Vdm> join
[12:29] Saito_Vdm> where are you jammy?
[12:29] Saito_Vdm> where in the world
[12:30] Saito_Vdm> Nice
[12:30] Merlo in
[12:31] AtomicO_o> Wp ossur u inproved camping lighting
[12:31] AtomicO_o> Improved
[12:33] AtomicO_o in
[12:34] Warp_drive> ty
[12:34] Warp_drive> i lost 3 times in a row last week
[12:34] Warp_drive> to bignoobman
[12:34] Warp_drive> on yggdrasil
[12:34] Warp_drive> but yeah
[12:34] Warp_drive> you could have ended our match
[12:34] Warp_drive> but i got lucky
[12:34] Warp_drive> so i won
[12:34] Warp_drive> gg
[12:34] Warp_drive> lucky
[12:35] Warp_drive> lites
[12:35] AtomicO_o in
[12:35] AtomicO_o> need test mouse ossur
[12:36] AtomicO_o> i give u some pts
[12:36] AtomicO_o> :D
[12:36] AtomicO_o> its xmas
[12:37] Merlo out
[12:40] AtomicO_o out
[12:43] ScoobyDoo in
[12:47] ScoobyDoo out
[12:54] Santiml out
[12:57] [SW]BardiKing in
[12:59] AtomicO_o> nici u suck
[12:59] AtomicO_o> log with ur rela account
[12:59] AtomicO_o> u cunt
[13:00] AtomicO_o> ik ure nici
[13:00] AtomicO_o> idiot
[13:00] AtomicO_o out
[13:00] AtomicO_o in
[13:00] Warp_drive out
[13:00] Warp_drive in
[13:00] AtomicO_o> gth
[13:00] AtomicO_o> fkin game
[13:01] AtomicO_o> psyco shit
[13:01] AtomicO_o out
[13:04] AtomicO_o> I think ure Nici with fake account
[13:04] AtomicO_o> U got similar skill fast
[13:05] AtomicO_o> Ur shaman stops from fe balls was unreal
[13:05] AtomicO_o> Fws*
[13:05] [SW]BardiKing> mix you got all time more pop how do you lose ?
[13:07] AtomicO_o in
[13:10] AtomicO_o out
[13:15] bockwurstlaune in
[13:17] Warp_drive out
[13:17] Warp_drive in
[13:19] Saito_Vdm out
[13:20] [SW]BardiKing in
[13:21] Maztodonte-Perras in
[13:22] Warp_drive> mazto wanna 1v1?
[13:22] Warp_drive> babycakes
[13:23] Maztodonte-Perras> sec
[13:23] [SW]BardiKing out
[13:24] bockwurstlaune> I0I0
[13:24] bockwurstlaune> 40
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> can i spectate
[13:25] Warp_drive> yah
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> no ping right
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> damn
[13:26] [SW]BardiKing> leme relog
[13:26] [SW]BardiKing out
[13:26] [SW]BardiKing in
[13:26] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[13:27] [SW]BardiKing out
[13:27] Warp_drive> go
[13:27] Warp_drive> he doesnt have ping
[13:27] [SW]BardiKing in
[13:27] Warp_drive> sory bardhi
[13:27] [SW]BardiKing> np
[13:27] Warp_drive> gogo
[13:27] Warp_drive> we will tell you who won
[13:27] Warp_drive> after :)
[13:28] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[13:28] [SW]BardiKing> :D
[13:29] Warp_drive> rotate
[13:29] Maztodonte-Perras> sec
[13:29] Maztodonte-Perras> jaja
[13:29] Maztodonte-Perras out
[13:29] Maztodonte-Perras in
[13:29] [SW]BardiKing> how to spectate from away
[13:29] [SW]BardiKing> without in hut
[13:29] Warp_drive> i think you can watch if you have discord
[13:29] [SW]BardiKing> do you know
[13:29] Warp_drive> i heard
[13:29] Warp_drive> someone
[13:29] [SW]BardiKing> i have
[13:30] AtomicO_o in
[13:31] AtomicO_o out
[13:42] ScoobyDoo in
[13:43] ScoobyDoo out
[13:47] AtomicO_o in
[13:48] AtomicO_o> today ossur is on fire
[13:48] Kayin in
[13:49] Kayin out
[13:49] Kayin in
[13:51] AtomicO_o> hey kayin
[13:51] AtomicO_o> join us?
[13:53] jammy> [19:18] AtomicO_o> today ossur is on fire
[13:53] jammy> or maybe his dose increased
[13:55] Kayin> hi
[13:55] Kayin> i will play later
[13:57] AtomicO_o> AHAH YE JAMMY
[13:58] AtomicO_o> damn on his 10 lights not missed me
[14:04] Viezeharry in
[14:07] AtomicO_o out
[14:09] Basz in
[14:15] AtomicO_o in
[14:15] Basz> atomic
[14:15] Basz> my friend
[14:15] Basz> wanna play?
[14:15] AtomicO_o> no ty
[14:15] AtomicO_o> i quit
[14:15] AtomicO_o> :D
[14:15] Basz> hahahaha
[14:15] Basz> i know
[14:16] AtomicO_o> u should kick me
[14:16] AtomicO_o> i quit for lunch or dinner often
[14:16] Basz> but why do you start a game then
[14:17] jammy> dont quit yet mix, ossur isnt that good generally
[14:17] Maztodonte-Perras> jaja
[14:17] jammy> seems they injected the drugs directly into his brain this time
[14:17] Maztodonte-Perras> ggggrrrrrrr
[14:17] Warp_drive> no sesss
[14:17] Warp_drive> ok pp
[14:17] Basz> how did you see that
[14:17] Basz> or did jammy tell you?
[14:18] jammy> when he on drugs, he can read others pms
[14:18] Basz> :P
[14:18] Warp_drive> :P
[14:18] Warp_drive> ] Launch game failed
[14:18] Basz> [51] Launch game failed
[14:18] AtomicO_o> did u won ossur
[14:18] Warp_drive> nope
[14:18] AtomicO_o> omg
[14:18] AtomicO_o> how
[14:18] Warp_drive> he owned me
[14:18] Basz> no ping for jammy
[14:18] Warp_drive> i didnt try
[14:18] AtomicO_o> i beated him
[14:19] Warp_drive> i was winning
[14:19] AtomicO_o> ok
[14:19] Warp_drive> but i thought he was dead
[14:19] jammy> go
[14:19] Warp_drive> and made no defence
[14:19] Warp_drive> gg tho
[14:19] AtomicO_o> happens
[14:19] AtomicO_o> glhf
[14:20] Invisible2 in
[14:22] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[14:30] AtomicO_o> uee brandy
[14:33] AtomicO_o> basz quitted?
[14:33] Warp_drive> gg wp
[14:33] Warp_drive> harry
[14:33] AtomicO_o> :kekwait:
[14:33] Warp_drive> you need to attack more
[14:33] Warp_drive> and also
[14:33] Warp_drive> more defence
[14:33] Warp_drive> early
[14:33] Viezeharry> yeah but I just have 1 eq
[14:34] AtomicO_o> keep it harry
[14:34] AtomicO_o out
[14:34] Warp_drive out
[14:34] AtomicO_o in
[14:34] Warp_drive in
[14:34] AtomicO_o> +3
[14:35] Warp_drive> harry
[14:35] Viezeharry> yes
[14:35] Warp_drive> best strategy is easy
[14:35] Warp_drive> make alot of towers with fws early
[14:35] Warp_drive> and when you got a solid defence
[14:35] Warp_drive> keep attacking
[14:35] Warp_drive> with all spells
[14:35] Warp_drive> also work on how you move your shaman
[14:36] Viezeharry> yeah i understand that, but at pressure point it seems i am just to slow
[14:36] Warp_drive> when enemy cast lightning at your shaman you must know how to avoid it.
[14:36] Warp_drive> yah
[14:36] Viezeharry> so i dont have the mana to attack much
[14:36] jammy> brb
[14:36] Viezeharry> so i have to defend much
[14:36] Viezeharry> i dont know, pp isnt my map yet haha
[14:37] jammy> winning pp is very easy, just follow 2 rules
[14:37] jammy> 1st: ally ossur
[14:37] jammy> 2nd rule: totally rely on ossur
[14:37] Invisible2> 3rd rule: surrender if ossur is opponent
[14:37] adray_tsi in
[14:38] jammy> true
[14:38] AtomicO_o> damn ossur when focus is dangerous
[14:38] jammy> 4th rule: especially ally him on mondays.. they inject the meds directly into his brain on mondays
[14:38] AtomicO_o> like flame on gasoline
[14:38] Invisible2> looooool
[14:38] Invisible2> ossur come play
[14:39] Viezeharry> Onyl follow this rules on pp? or can he play other maps too? haha
[14:39] Invisible2> tbh he is also good on front base at walls
[14:39] jammy> his psychiatrist doesnt allow him to play other maps yet
[14:39] Invisible2> he camp good there
[14:39] Invisible2> i hate to play against him on walls
[14:39] ScoobyDoo in
[14:40] Basz> letsgooooooo
[14:40] Invisible2> Invisible2 + AtomicO_o + Viezeharry vs. Maztodonte-Perras + Basz + ScoobyDoo
[14:40] ScoobyDoo> A TODOS UM BOM NATAL
[14:40] Invisible2> map?
[14:40] ScoobyDoo> QUE SEJA UM BOM NATAL
[14:40] ScoobyDoo> PARA TODOS NÓS
[14:40] Maztodonte-Perras> way
[14:40] Maztodonte-Perras> 4 way 6p
[14:40] ScoobyDoo> NO NATAL PELA MANHA
[14:40] ScoobyDoo> OUVEM SE OS SINOS TOCAR
[14:40] Invisible2> well im not a fan of 4way but can do
[14:40] Basz> or tom 8p
[14:41] Basz> but then with 6p
[14:41] Warp_drive> alot of towers with fws to back you up, and also alot of huts so you can keep attacking
[14:41] AtomicO_o> no way per favore
[14:41] AtomicO_o> faccio pena
[14:41] AtomicO_o> vabbe ci provo
[14:42] Invisible2> kk mix also dont want to play 6way
[14:42] Invisible2> other mao suggest?
[14:42] Invisible2> map*
[14:42] AtomicO_o> sess
[14:42] AtomicO_o> :D
[14:42] Invisible2> noooo lol
[14:42] Invisible2> what about walls?
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> gooo
[14:42] AtomicO_o> si dai
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> this map
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> iudfvfjhvg
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> fgbhjvfgjbxfgkljvzdfljdfzlzdv
[14:42] Basz> sess 6p
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> goooooooooooooooooooo
[14:42] christo0972 in
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> 4 way
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> no sess
[14:42] Basz> :P
[14:42] Basz> tom?
[14:42] Maztodonte-Perras> suck map
[14:43] Maztodonte-Perras> thiss
[14:43] Maztodonte-Perras> 4 way
[14:43] Maztodonte-Perras> omg
[14:43] Invisible2> me and mix dont want 6way sorry
[14:43] Maztodonte-Perras> or walls
[14:43] Invisible2> ye walls
[14:43] Invisible2> me and you backbase
[14:43] Maztodonte-Perras> ye
[14:43] Basz> why not 6way?
[14:43] Basz> that was fine right
[14:43] christo0972> HI
[14:44] AtomicO_o> 8p?
[14:44] Basz> HI
[14:44] christo0972> play yr game
[14:44] christo0972> we havent a 8th
[14:44] christo0972> dw
[14:49] [SW]BardiKing out
[14:52] [D]Jusuf in
[14:53] [D]Jusuf out
[14:54] [D]Jusuf in
[15:06] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI in
[15:07] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI out
[15:12] ScoobyDoo out
[15:12] AtomicO_o> gg bravo brandy
[15:12] Invisible2> ggwp
[15:12] Maztodonte-Perras> bad team
[15:12] Maztodonte-Perras> 3vs2
[15:13] AtomicO_o> stavo nel chill proprio
[15:13] Invisible2> anche io onestamente
[15:13] AtomicO_o> :D
[15:13] Invisible2> we had solid front tho
[15:13] Invisible2> good job guys
[15:13] Viezeharry out
[15:13] AtomicO_o out
[15:13] AtomicO_o in
[15:13] AtomicO_o> brb cig
[15:16] adray_tsi out
[15:20] Makse in
[15:22] [D]Jusuf out
[15:24] Makse out
[15:24] SepulturaMb in
[15:28] AtomicO_o out
[15:29] SepulturaMb out
[15:31] AtomicO_o in
[15:33] [GoD]lebannen in
[15:33] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[15:33] Itsuna in
[15:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw too good
[15:34] AtomicO_o> when shaman hw
[15:34] Itsuna out
[15:38] christo0972> is he afk ?
[15:38] AtomicO_o> no
[15:38] adray_tsi in
[15:38] christo0972> ask him for 2V2 plz
[15:38] christo0972> he doesnt answer me
[15:38] AtomicO_o> ask u
[15:39] AtomicO_o> k
[15:39] Invisible2> lol
[15:39] Invisible2> i was afk
[15:39] Invisible2> i prefer 3v3 or 4v4
[15:39] christo0972> k
[15:39] Toxic_Royal in
[15:39] Invisible2> yooo royal
[15:40] Toxic_Royal> Hi Brandy
[15:44] LockdowN_TAS in
[15:44] AtomicO_o> nice ress
[15:44] AtomicO_o> :D
[15:44] Kayin out
[15:45] LockdowN_TAS> :monkamega:
[15:45] LockdowN_TAS> wait, something is wrong with my game results. I l already calculated that i need 2 more wins to get to shaman rank
[15:46] Invisible2> dw systerm already know that you will win next 2 games
[15:46] Invisible2> hi btw and nice rank
[15:47] LockdowN_TAS> lmaoo
[15:47] Toxic_Royal> come here if you want ez game dw
[15:48] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:48] [AvA]Soma-> yo
[15:48] Invisible2> somaa
[15:48] [AvA]Soma-> brandyy
[15:49] Invisible2> map?
[15:49] AtomicO_o> gg
[15:49] AtomicO_o> ciao soma
[15:49] Toxic_Royal> walls is good
[15:49] Invisible2> Invisible2 + AtomicO_o + Toxic_Royal vs. Maztodonte-Perras + [GoD]lebannen + [AvA]Soma-
[15:49] Invisible2> royal you back base?
[15:49] jammy> +1
[15:49] Invisible2> royal and soma back base?
[15:49] Toxic_Royal> if you like but i'm worse back base than sidebase somehow
[15:50] Invisible2> mix you want back?
[15:50] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[15:50] [AvA]Soma-> we mix
[15:50] AtomicO_o> ok brandy
[15:50] AtomicO_o> non sono esperto vai tu back
[15:50] AtomicO_o> sei breavo a sidare
[15:50] AtomicO_o> bravo*
[15:50] Invisible2> kk
[15:51] AtomicO_o> scusa :D
[15:51] Invisible2> tra
[15:52] [AvA]lanche in
[15:58] jammy out
[15:58] jammy in
[16:00] christo0972 out
[16:00] christo0972 in
[16:07] [SW]BardiKing in
[16:09] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[16:11] [AvA]Soma- out
[16:11] Maztodonte-Perras> shit allys and fail teams
[16:11] Maztodonte-Perras> pfff
[16:12] [AvA]Soma- in
[16:12] LockdowN_TAS in
[16:12] [AvA]Soma-> please do fair teams next time , dude super fake
[16:12] Maztodonte-Perras> soma you play so bad bro
[16:12] AtomicO_o> lol mazdo
[16:12] Kayin in
[16:12] [AvA]Soma-> ?
[16:12] AtomicO_o> u had good ally
[16:12] Maztodonte-Perras> bro i kill shamans many times
[16:12] Maztodonte-Perras> fss
[16:12] [AvA]Soma-> i was bdooring them before you surrendered after 1 q lol
[16:12] Toxic_Royal> it's my real account soma i just changed my name
[16:12] [AvA]Soma-> 1eq
[16:13] Maztodonte-Perras> cant attack you dead ezz
[16:13] [SW]BardiKing> ossur 1v1?
[16:13] [AvA]Soma-> ggrrrr fucking retard
[16:13] [AvA]Soma-> you only kill shaman
[16:13] [AvA]Soma-> nothing else
[16:13] [SW]BardiKing> ossur 1v1
[16:13] [SW]BardiKing> ?
[16:13] [SW]BardiKing> pvt
[16:13] [AvA]Soma-> only side we done was mine
[16:13] LockdowN_TAS out
[16:14] AtomicO_o out
[16:14] AtomicO_o in
[16:14] ScoobyDoo in
[16:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> lockdown goes shaman nice
[16:15] [AvA]Soma-> try 6p or 8p?
[16:15] [SW]BardiKing> no way pls
[16:15] [SW]BardiKing> any other BUT not way
[16:15] [AvA]Soma-> let's try sess 6p
[16:16] LockdowN_TAS> :howdy:
[16:16] Invisible2> lockdown still underranked imo
[16:16] [SW]BardiKing> '\'
[16:16] Maztodonte-Perras> invisible 100% fake
[16:16] Invisible2> ?
[16:17] ScoobyDoo out
[16:23] AtomicO_o> no hes old player
[16:23] Maztodonte-Perras> tipic
[16:23] LockdowN_TAS> yea he lagged out
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> who lagout
[16:23] LockdowN_TAS> hes still in game
[16:23] LockdowN_TAS> Bardi
[16:23] [AvA]Soma-> ah ok
[16:25] [GoD]of_Madness in
[16:26] [AvA]lanche> hi guys :wave:
[16:26] Invisible2> jooo
[16:26] Invisible2> map?
[16:26] AtomicO_o> hi toruk
[16:26] LockdowN_TAS> go 8?
[16:26] AtomicO_o> wow best
[16:26] [AvA]lanche> 6way?
[16:26] AtomicO_o> poor ress
[16:26] Invisible2> can try
[16:26] [AvA]lanche> 8way? :kekw:
[16:28] AtomicO_o> yggdratom?
[16:28] [AvA]lanche> Tom 2v2v2v2?
[16:28] Basz out
[16:28] Invisible2> boot race?
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> brandy 6way?
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> hi toruk
[16:28] Invisible2> can do
[16:28] AtomicO_o> no way pls
[16:28] AtomicO_o> 8 way è ingiocabile xd
[16:28] Invisible2> central dogma?
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> sess again xD
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> 8way fa schifo
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> dicevo 6
[16:28] AtomicO_o> k
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> i hate this
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> dogma
[16:28] AtomicO_o> never played dogma
[16:28] [SW]BardiKing out
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> mana battle?
[16:28] Invisible2> kk 6 way?
[16:28] Invisible2> k for mix?
[16:28] Invisible2> or mana battle
[16:28] AtomicO_o> si dai per una volta
[16:28] Invisible2> sounds good
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> ok 6way
[16:28] [AvA]Soma-> :D
[16:28] Invisible2> lol
[16:29] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AvA]Soma- + Maztodonte-Perras vs. AtomicO_o + LockdowN_TAS + [AvA]lanche
[16:29] [AvA]Soma-> ok let's go
[16:29] AtomicO_o> me center
[16:29] Invisible2> mazto pinggggs
[16:29] Invisible2> relog
[16:29] Invisible2> grrrrrrrrrrrelog
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> lololo
[16:30] [AvA]Soma-> rrrrrrrrelog
[16:31] Maztodonte-Perras> crash
[16:32] Invisible2> nice you take same spot i dont have to rotate
[16:32] Invisible2> love you <3
[16:32] Maztodonte-Perras> lo
[16:34] Kayin out
[16:37] Meph in
[16:57] Maztodonte-Perras> GRRR
[16:57] AtomicO_o> sleep
[16:57] Invisible2> ggwp
[16:57] AtomicO_o> player
[16:57] AtomicO_o> xd
[16:57] LockdowN_TAS out
[16:58] AtomicO_o> how u dead toruk before lockdown
[16:58] LockdowN_TAS in
[16:58] Invisible2> im absolutaly trash on 4way
[16:58] Invisible2> useless
[16:58] AtomicO_o> me 2 brandy
[16:58] AtomicO_o> only send mapo i suck
[16:58] Invisible2> ye
[16:58] Invisible2> but we have to train that
[16:58] Invisible2> to get better
[16:58] LockdowN_TAS> its not that
[16:58] LockdowN_TAS> we didnt work as a team
[16:58] LockdowN_TAS> that affect much
[16:59] AtomicO_o> ye lock
[16:59] AtomicO_o> i was tryingg make fws defend u
[16:59] AtomicO_o> but too distant
[16:59] [AvA]Soma-> toruk why you expanded like that
[16:59] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AvA]Soma- + AtomicO_o vs. [AvA]lanche + LockdowN_TAS + christo0972
[16:59] Invisible2> big ita vs
[16:59] AtomicO_o> lol
[16:59] Invisible2> ok map?
[16:59] [AvA]Soma-> ita vs world
[16:59] AtomicO_o> idk if loc kwants
[16:59] AtomicO_o> lock
[16:59] LockdowN_TAS> any
[16:59] Invisible2> we can change teams lock if you want
[16:59] LockdowN_TAS> no
[16:59] LockdowN_TAS> go
[16:59] LockdowN_TAS> its best
[17:00] Invisible2> kk
[17:00] jammy out
[17:00] Invisible2> map?
[17:00] Invisible2> walls?
[17:00] AtomicO_o> faccio una pausa
[17:00] LockdowN_TAS> yea can do
[17:00] Invisible2> ok mix
[17:00] Invisible2> we need +1
[17:01] christo0972> brb piss
[17:01] Invisible2> hm actually im getting hungry, soma you might host a 2v2? i will spectate and eat something
[17:02] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[17:02] Invisible2> open spect spot please
[17:02] Invisible2> ty
[17:03] AtomicO_o out
[17:08] Warp_drive out
[17:09] Warp_drive in
[17:11] AtomicO_o in
[17:12] AtomicO_o> join meph
[17:12] AtomicO_o> wanna big pts
[17:12] AtomicO_o> :D
[17:13] AtomicO_o> mazto i wanna face meph
[17:13] AtomicO_o> k go
[17:16] LockdowN_TAS> where is head
[17:17] christo0972> sry Res i know we could probably win but i prefer stop
[17:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> playing single player lol
[17:17] [GoD]of_Madness> big mix wants to face meph :pog:
[17:17] Invisible2> i can host you guys while im eating if you want
[17:17] [GoD]of_Madness out
[17:17] [AvA]lanche> damn, my whole screen froze
[17:18] [AvA]lanche> was much more than a spike
[17:18] [AvA]lanche> The Windows feature "Data Execution Prevention (DEP)" may cause Populous to crash in multiplayer.
[17:19] christo0972> 2V2 lets go Head ?
[17:20] [AvA]lanche> I like your enthusiasm, christo, but I doubt either one of them want to ally us
[17:20] christo0972> hmmm..
[17:20] christo0972> because of unbanced ?
[17:20] christo0972> unbalanced
[17:21] [AvA]lanche> bc we are noobs
[17:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> i can handle lock on a map like sess
[17:22] [Rw]Headhunterz> and light wars i can win vs anyone but i need to get faster at organizing my shit again
[17:23] christo0972> so ?
[17:23] christo0972> u want to ally me head ?
[17:23] christo0972> or Toruk ?
[17:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> have you learned to move your shaman during a fight yet :P
[17:24] christo0972> yeah i did
[17:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> im game for whatever but best says its me and lanche
[17:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> lockdown
[17:24] christo0972> ok
[17:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> you wanne do 2v2 sess
[17:25] christo0972> brb piss
[17:25] Toxic_Royal out
[17:25] christo0972> yes or walls
[17:25] christo0972> long time i havent play walls in 2V2
[17:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> i dont like walls
[17:25] christo0972> i dt like sess ..
[17:25] LockdowN_TAS> yea 2v2
[17:26] LockdowN_TAS> do building on thin ice
[17:26] christo0972> last time we pick seee remember ^^
[17:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> difference with sess is i can compensate for my ally at least have a chance
[17:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> on walls i cant
[17:26] christo0972> u can
[17:32] Bignoobmanfr in
[17:32] Bignoobmanfr out
[17:36] AtomicO_o> gg mazto wp
[17:36] Maztodonte-Perras> rm
[17:37] AtomicO_o> not enough time
[17:37] AtomicO_o out
[17:37] AtomicO_o in
[17:38] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:39] AtomicO_o out
[17:39] AtomicO_o in
[17:50] Invisible2 out
[17:50] Invisible2 in
[17:50] Ezra_TSI in
[17:51] Ezra_TSI out
[17:54] bockwurstlaune out
[17:55] Ezra_TSI in
[17:56] Ezra_TSI out
[17:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> jezus man played bad as fack
[17:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> my lights were off all the time
[17:56] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[17:56] christo0972> gg
[17:56] LockdowN_TAS> yepp
[17:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> i forgot to click my shaman 6 times
[17:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> just let her walk to her death
[17:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[17:56] christo0972> i waste fs
[17:57] christo0972> XD
[17:57] Meph out
[17:57] [AvA]lanche> my ctrl key works 50% of the time, so I had same problem
[17:57] [AvA]lanche> luckly managed to dodge most of the time
[17:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> gonna make diner first
[17:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> need some food in me
[18:02] Warp_drive out
[18:02] Ezra_TSI in
[18:02] Ezra_TSI out
[18:04] AtomicO_o out
[18:04] AtomicO_o in
[18:10] [SW]BardiKing in
[18:10] LockdowN_TAS> The King :pray:
[18:11] [SW]BardiKing> gays the last game electricity turned off and my pc shut down im sry :D
[18:11] [AvA]lanche> who you calling gay?
[18:12] Invisible2> ye, who? ossur not logged in
[18:12] [AvA]lanche> lol
[18:16] Ezra_TSI in
[18:16] Ezra_TSI out
[18:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright i had my steak and eggs diner
[18:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> i am ready
[18:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> can we do a nice map though not walls lol
[18:20] Invisible2> sure
[18:20] Invisible2> any map suggest?
[18:20] Invisible2> besides sess
[18:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> velocity
[18:20] Invisible2> bardhi relog
[18:21] Invisible2> ye kk
[18:21] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AvA]lanche + LockdowN_TAS vs. Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]Headhunterz
[18:22] Invisible2> bardhi not here
[18:22] [SW]BardiKing out
[18:22] LockdowN_TAS> :monkahmm:
[18:22] Invisible2> maybe he is relogging
[18:22] Invisible2> i hope so
[18:22] [Rw]Headhunterz> his mum unplugged his internet again
[18:23] Invisible2> lol
[18:23] LockdowN_TAS> prolly blew up the Power plants
[18:23] LockdowN_TAS> coz her son play too much pop
[18:23] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[18:23] Invisible2> lmao
[18:23] Maztodonte-Perras> :kekw:
[18:23] [SW]BardiKing in
[18:23] Invisible2> here he is
[18:23] [SW]BardiKing> electrictricity off again
[18:24] [SW]BardiKing> LMFAO
[18:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> wtf
[18:24] LockdowN_TAS> loool
[18:24] Maztodonte-Perras> barkink again
[18:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> did he crash again
[18:24] LockdowN_TAS> ye
[18:25] [AvA]lanche> why gb?
[18:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> jezus
[18:25] Invisible2> bardhi left
[18:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> he lives in the ghetto or something
[18:25] Invisible2> crashed
[18:25] LockdowN_TAS> Kosovos electricity m8
[18:25] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[18:25] Maztodonte-Perras> this guy play in win 2
[18:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> its like doom who still uses adsl internet on cuba lol
[18:25] Maztodonte-Perras> terrible there
[18:25] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[18:26] Maztodonte-Perras> i have 200mgb
[18:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> cant say we got those problems in the netherland :P
[18:26] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI in
[18:26] Invisible2> we could go 2v3 or 4v1?
[18:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> broken alliances
[18:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> me and lockdown
[18:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets have some fun
[18:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> no points on the baord
[18:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> board
[18:28] Invisible2 out
[18:28] Invisible2 in
[18:28] LockdowN_TAS> yea can do
[18:29] Invisible2> mazto
[18:29] [Rw]Headhunterz> maz
[18:29] Invisible2> joinn
[18:29] [Rw]Headhunterz> were you go
[18:29] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI out
[18:29] [Rw]Headhunterz> my god
[18:30] [SW]BardiKing out
[18:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> just load up a nice 2v2 map
[18:31] [SW]BardiKing in
[18:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> and lets go
[18:31] [SW]BardiKing in
[18:31] [SW]BardiKing out
[18:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> o wait mister no energy is here
[18:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[18:32] [SW]BardiKing> this stupid electricity
[18:40] AtomicO_o out
[18:40] AtomicO_o in
[18:40] AtomicO_o out
[18:44] AtomicO_o in
[18:56] AtomicO_o out
[18:57] AtomicO_o in
[18:58] AtomicO_o> CANT FINISH U
[18:58] AtomicO_o> :D
[18:58] Maztodonte-Perras> for fun
[18:58] Maztodonte-Perras> i am bored
[18:58] Maztodonte-Perras> come
[18:58] AtomicO_o> ur host bad for me
[18:59] AtomicO_o> i was losing clicks
[18:59] christo0972> 2V2 ?
[18:59] Maztodonte-Perras> host
[18:59] Minibot_UK> Maztodonte-Perras: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[18:59] Minibot_UK> Maztodonte-Perras: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[18:59] AtomicO_o> lets 2v2
[18:59] Maztodonte-Perras> join
[18:59] Maztodonte-Perras> lets mini
[18:59] AtomicO_o> 1.01 cant play it
[18:59] Maztodonte-Perras> its 1.5
[19:00] Maztodonte-Perras> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Maztodonte-Perras - MapPack: OK
AtomicO_o - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Maztodonte-Perras: Red - AtomicO_o: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[19:00] Maztodonte-Perras> lool
[19:00] AtomicO_o> soz mouse pointer like ferrari
[19:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yo need a min
[19:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> brb quiksies
[19:01] AtomicO_o> yo big koopa
[19:01] Maztodonte-Perras> chris
[19:01] Maztodonte-Perras> host 1v1
[19:01] AtomicO_o> ye he can do it
[19:01] christo0972> map
[19:02] Maztodonte-Perras> this
[19:02] christo0972> i m on wifi
[19:02] christo0972> i dt think it work in eu network
[19:03] christo0972> i cant
[19:03] christo0972> sry
[19:03] Maztodonte-Perras> try
[19:03] christo0972> k
[19:04] christo0972> mix is really good on that map
[19:04] AtomicO_o> no yet
[19:04] AtomicO_o> still slow
[19:04] christo0972> he just need to be more agressiv with troops
[19:04] AtomicO_o> yeah
[19:04] AtomicO_o> i get only good mana
[19:04] christo0972> just share it with troops
[19:05] AtomicO_o> +3
[19:05] christo0972> 2V2 ?
[19:05] AtomicO_o> koopa did u liked my volc yesterday
[19:05] AtomicO_o> on ur wars :kek:
[19:06] Maztodonte-Perras> chris
[19:06] Maztodonte-Perras> lets do 1v1
[19:06] christo0972> yeah?
[19:06] Maztodonte-Perras> host
[19:06] christo0972> map ?
[19:06] Maztodonte-Perras> this one
[19:07] christo0972> ok
[19:07] AtomicO_o> dude
[19:07] AtomicO_o> we are 2-0
[19:07] Maztodonte-Perras> come
[19:07] Maztodonte-Perras> for fun
[19:07] AtomicO_o> no ty
[19:07] christo0972> wait preparing my seat
[19:13] Ezra_TSI in
[19:13] Ezra_TSI out
[19:15] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dam by my dementia
[19:15] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i dont remember this
[19:15] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dam be*
[19:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[19:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> very though one
[19:16] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[19:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> nice one lockdown
[19:16] LockdowN_TAS> ye
[19:16] LockdowN_TAS> you held em well
[19:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> kept having 2 shmans comming at me lol
[19:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> all those facking troops as well
[19:17] [AvA]lanche> just say fucking
[19:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> 38 shaman kills :P
[19:17] LockdowN_TAS> yea that was annoying
[19:17] LockdowN_TAS> Bardhi is the most annoying
[19:17] LockdowN_TAS> felt like it wasnt bardhi last game
[19:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> invis had alot of firestorms
[19:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> had to defend with a counter fs 1 time lol
[19:17] LockdowN_TAS> yea thats why i went for him
[19:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> Danny
[19:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> It's time
[19:18] LockdowN_TAS> Yo
[19:18] LockdowN_TAS> ofc
[19:18] LockdowN_TAS> log in Spin
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 h
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka in
[19:18] [AvA]lanche> [Rw]Headhunterz> invis had alot of firestorms <----he had 3, lol
[19:18] [AvA]lanche> hi :bian:
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> But is it dead today ?
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka> 17 online looool
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka> ye
[19:18] LockdowN_TAS> not really
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka> hi :toruk:
[19:18] AtomicO_o> hi bianka
[19:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> we just did 2v3 to pass the time
[19:18] [AvA]lanche> yes Spin, go back into your cave
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka> hi mix
[19:18] LockdowN_TAS> Lemme in
[19:18] [GoD]Blanka> spin geh glühwein trinken
[19:19] LockdowN_TAS> Bian host
[19:19] [GoD]Blanka> why me
[19:19] [GoD]Blanka> let hunter host
[19:19] LockdowN_TAS out
[19:19] [AvA]lanche> Bianca gives good ping, if you know what I mean ;)
[19:19] [GoD]Blanka> 17 online and we get 8p game
[19:19] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[19:19] LockdowN_TAS in
[19:19] AtomicO_o> noway
[19:19] [GoD]Blanka> koopa sucks btw
[19:19] AtomicO_o> ill gb
[19:19] LockdowN_TAS> its time for PUSHHHHHHHHHHH
[19:19] AtomicO_o> if 8 way
[19:19] [SW]BardiKing> do anarrov pasage
[19:19] [SW]BardiKing> miss that map so much
[19:19] MrSmokin_Hottie26> huh wut
[19:20] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do any n all
[19:20] AtomicO_o> soz i h8 8 way
[19:20] [SW]BardiKing> no way
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> dude
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> serious
[19:20] LockdowN_TAS> Spin log in man
[19:20] [SW]BardiKing> pls listen
[19:20] [GoD]Blanka> 
[19:20] LockdowN_TAS> like ffs in 2h ?
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> you cant always get what you want
[19:21] [SW]BardiKing> why you ignore
[19:21] LockdowN_TAS> :monkas:
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> ?????????????
[19:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> bardi stfu
[19:21] Invisible2> hunter you should ask for map before launching something lol
[19:21] [SW]BardiKing> just not way
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> ngl 8way is shit
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> so is craters btw
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> :Nice:
[19:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> everyone wants different maps
[19:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> cant please everyone
[19:21] [SW]BardiKing> batter than way btw
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> ^
[19:21] LockdowN_TAS> and opened another hut
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> dooo riverside
[19:21] Invisible2> there will always been maps who everyone wanna play
[19:21] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do yggdratom or dictator if we got the peepz
[19:21] [GoD]Blanka> or push
[19:21] Invisible2> just ask
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> or ye yggdratom
[19:22] Invisible2> which*
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dam tempted to cook
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> if yall dont quit fhking around
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> dont you dare
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> fhkinnnnn temptdddd
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> and like you cook yourself
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> we all know your nurse is
[19:22] AtomicO_o> +5 pp
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> got a nice steak sitting in fridge
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :good:
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :keks:
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> "steak"
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> fhk u :fu:
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> sureeeee
[19:22] AtomicO_o> lol
[19:22] [Rw]Headhunterz> just had steak and eggs
[19:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :>
[19:22] [SW]BardiKing> ok ygg better
[19:22] [Rw]Headhunterz> carnivor diet
[19:22] [GoD]Blanka> if koopa says steak he means hotdog
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> nice protein intake
[19:23] Ezra_TSI in
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> lmaooo
[19:23] AtomicO_o> take it out for unfroze
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :koopa:
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> wait is mazto 1v1ing christo?
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> tf?
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> mazto come back
[19:23] [SW]BardiKing> mix and brandy join
[19:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets sit in 2 different huts
[19:23] AtomicO_o> ye
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> im best player in mm now
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> thoughts?
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> no you aret
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> thats me
[19:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> so we will have a game somewere in the future
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[19:23] [SW]BardiKing> ice is better
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :topkek:
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> actually
[19:23] AtomicO_o> urent theres me
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> its danny
[19:23] [SW]BardiKing> adray is better
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> nah im better then ice bardhi
[19:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> n adray
[19:23] [SW]BardiKing> blanka is better
[19:23] [GoD]Blanka> lolll
[19:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> me and lockdown are https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=503867&sid=aaba83c3cb3edef915864febbf80f2fe
[19:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> kek
[19:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26> noooo dont look at rank
[19:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> :kek:
[19:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ranks dont mean krap
[19:24] [SW]BardiKing> koppa adray is better blanka is better ice is better
[19:24] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[19:24] [GoD]Blanka> ownd
[19:24] [SW]BardiKing> :LOL:
[19:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26> this guy
[19:24] [GoD]Blanka> i dont bd my allies
[19:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26> trolling
[19:24] [SW]BardiKing> LOL
[19:24] [GoD]Blanka> so thats a pulus
[19:24] LockdowN_TAS> yea Head
[19:24] LockdowN_TAS> finally
[19:24] LockdowN_TAS> i have another best sidekick
[19:24] LockdowN_TAS> :clap:
[19:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26> never proven in a court of law
[19:25] [GoD]Blanka> [Rw]Headhunterz + Invisible2 + [SW]BardiKing + [GoD]Blanka vs. [AvA]lanche + LockdowN_TAS + AtomicO_o + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[19:25] [GoD]Blanka> lemme face koop
[19:25] [GoD]Blanka> brb
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ahhh man im hungry
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> noobs at front
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> pros in bakl
[19:25] AtomicO_o> so u front
[19:25] LockdowN_TAS> ye can do
[19:25] AtomicO_o> :D
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pepemad:
[19:25] LockdowN_TAS> priests and war front
[19:25] LockdowN_TAS> rest back
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yup im down
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> make toruk
[19:26] MrSmokin_Hottie26> my front
[19:26] AtomicO_o> omg me n toruk
[19:26] MrSmokin_Hottie26> pl0x
[19:26] [GoD]Blanka> [20:25] AtomicO_o> so u front
[19:26] AtomicO_o> switch me and smoking
[19:26] [GoD]Blanka> :topkek:
[19:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> so like this
[19:26] [SW]BardiKing> iim i bbig
[19:26] Invisible2> no wtf
[19:26] [SW]BardiKing> pls noot
[19:26] LockdowN_TAS> loool
[19:26] Invisible2> i will be small
[19:26] AtomicO_o> me back of ress
[19:26] Invisible2> smalllllllllsss
[19:26] LockdowN_TAS> too much complain with this map
[19:26] LockdowN_TAS> just do push instead
[19:26] LockdowN_TAS> or riverside
[19:26] MrSmokin_Hottie26> or dicatator :peped:
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> wait i need another big base lol
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> no one wants
[19:27] AtomicO_o> push push it
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> :kek:
[19:27] [Rw]Ninety in
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> push or riverside
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> think about it
[19:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yggdratom low rankies front is fun tho
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> koopa will bd ally on riverside
[19:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yall need to give it shot
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> they dont wanna koopa
[19:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> no witness no proof :peped:
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> hi :ninety:
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> oh wait i can change name today
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> suggestions?
[19:27] [Rw]Ninety> sup
[19:27] jammy in
[19:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> biankole
[19:27] [GoD]Blanka> lmfao
[19:27] LockdowN_TAS> Blank?
[19:28] [Rw]Ninety> Badnca
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead pop u need top free matt
[19:32] jammy out
[19:33] [AvA]Soma- in
[19:34] christo0972> gg :)
[19:34] Maztodonte-Perras> :DF
[19:34] Maztodonte-Perras> :D
[19:34] christo0972> my worste map ^^
[19:35] christo0972> im brave rank in
[19:36] Svarog in
[19:47] Ayebee in
[19:53] [Rw]Ninety out
[19:53] [Rw]Ninety in
[19:55] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[19:59] Ayebee> Is there a way to force the game into fullscreen?
[20:02] christo0972> in setting in your game
[20:02] christo0972> set it to the maximu
[20:02] christo0972> maximum
[20:02] christo0972> or here in lobby i think in setting
[20:03] christo0972> cliclc on graphics
[20:05] Ayebee> thanks <3
[20:08] Bignoobmanfr in
[20:09] christo0972> ^^
[20:11] Plumbum_Moa in
[20:12] HagaChan in
[20:12] _verklopper in
[20:12] _verklopper out
[20:13] verklopper in
[20:13] verklopper out
[20:13] Plumbum_Moa> hello mi frinds
[20:15] christo0972> hello
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> gg wp
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> oh wtf lmao i didnt even see i am shaman agan
[20:17] [GoD]Blanka> btw bardhi what should i do on other side of the map to help?
[20:17] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[20:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> god dam
[20:18] [SW]BardiKing> do ygg this time
[20:18] verklopper in
[20:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> that wasnt ez
[20:18] [SW]BardiKing> yggdratom
[20:18] [SW]BardiKing> 8p
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[20:18] AtomicO_o> ye koopa
[20:18] LockdowN_TAS> ggwp
[20:18] LockdowN_TAS> Koopa Carried
[20:18] LockdowN_TAS> :clap:
[20:18] [AvA]lanche> hw, doing Wishbone?
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> Invisible2 + [Rw]Ninety + [SW]BardiKing + [GoD]Blanka vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + Maztodonte-Perras + [GoD]lebannen + Bignoobmanfr
[20:18] AtomicO_o out
[20:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :king:
[20:18] Invisible2> map?
[20:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> wouldnt been fine if i didnt have 3 guys in my base with nobody backing me up
[20:18] AtomicO_o in
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> me and 90 or badhi big
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> if pp
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> ?
[20:18] Maztodonte-Perras> walls
[20:18] Maztodonte-Perras> 8p
[20:18] LockdowN_TAS out
[20:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> top pop player remains the king :peepoking:
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> loool
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> you are lucky i was away from you
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> else gg to you
[20:18] Maztodonte-Perras> bianca you lost shhh
[20:18] Invisible2> we dont have the player for pp tbh
[20:18] Bignoobmanfr out
[20:18] LockdowN_TAS in
[20:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :biancad:
[20:18] [GoD]Blanka> lost what
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> oh i lost a game
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> so?
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> stfu
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> ye
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> jaj
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> :kek:
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> dayuuum
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> congrats danny
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> deserved
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> 1v1 me mazhto on your host
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> go
[20:19] LockdowN_TAS> :howdy:
[20:19] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i win games left n rite
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> you wom
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[20:19] AtomicO_o> lo bianka
[20:19] MrSmokin_Hottie26> where tf is my shammy rank
[20:19] Invisible2> walls ok to any?
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> ogog
[20:19] Maztodonte-Perras> walls
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> i am ok with it
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> Invisible2 + [Rw]Headhunterz + [GoD]Blanka + [GoD]lebannen vs. [Rw]Ninety + Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]BardiKing + LockdowN_TAS
[20:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> let me sit in the back
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> same
[20:19] [Rw]Ninety> give me back
[20:19] AtomicO_o out
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> so me and node front?
[20:20] AtomicO_o in
[20:20] Alejandro4 in
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> lemme face mazto the lil shit
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> grrrrrrrrrrr
[20:20] HagaChan in
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> fröhliche weihnachten haga
[20:20] Maztodonte-Perras> aaaaaaaa
[20:20] Maztodonte-Perras> nooo plizzzz
[20:20] Maztodonte-Perras> biancaaaa
[20:20] LockdowN_TAS> dont gimem blue base
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[20:20] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrrr
[20:20] Invisible2> omg
[20:20] Alejandro4> hello
[20:20] LockdowN_TAS> never play it
[20:20] LockdowN_TAS> dont know how to build loool
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> :kek:
[20:20] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrrrrr
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> dude its not different lool
[20:20] [AvA]lanche> hi Alejandro4
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> biancaaaaaa
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> whyyyy
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> me babyyy
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> its difffffffffffffeerent
[20:21] Invisible2> im confused about bases
[20:21] Alejandro4> hi lanche
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> its old walls
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> not by much xd
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> reijfdervfhwesviuhriufhyeu
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> biancaaaaa
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> i call you
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> gogoogogogogo
[20:21] Alejandro4> the launcher looks so different
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> fast
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> try it
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> video whatts
[20:21] Alejandro4> long time since i've been here
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> i have to study
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> with what number lmao
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> hot call
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> now
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrr
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> call koopa for hot call
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> i cba
[20:21] [AvA]lanche> You can change your skin if you wish
[20:21] Alejandro4> matt is still banned?
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> i know koopa
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> gogog
[20:21] Maztodonte-Perras> is sexyyy
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> pls
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> dont gimme blue base
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> :monkas:
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> gimem green instead
[20:21] Invisible2 out
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> comon
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> xd
[20:21] [GoD]Blanka> now he logged out lmao
[20:21] [SW]BardiKing> wtf u doinjg
[20:21] LockdowN_TAS> yea he left
[20:21] christo0972> omg to late for playing ..
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> fast
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> is he relogging?
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> blanka host
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> or fed up?
[20:22] Invisible2 in
[20:22] [AvA]lanche> Alejandro4, just go to Options at the top and click skin. Then select your preference
[20:22] D4R_OP> is pop ded?
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> como
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> n
[20:22] D4R_OP> ofc it's
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> dont trool
[20:22] Invisible2> omg mm frozed
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> no radek
[20:22] [Rw]Ninety> :feelsglassesman:
[20:22] Maztodonte-Perras> videos call hot kooopaaaaa
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[20:22] [AvA]lanche> And yes, Matt still banned
[20:22] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrr
[20:22] [SW]BardiKing> i hav to study
[20:22] Maztodonte-Perras> :kek:
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> lfmamoooo
[20:22] Alejandro4> kekw
[20:22] Invisible2> well spots gone
[20:22] Invisible2> rip
[20:22] Invisible2> me
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> host again
[20:22] [GoD]Blanka> ill join you
[20:23] D4R_OP> :nice:
[20:23] [AvA]lanche> host another hut, Brandy
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> cba with afk host
[20:23] [AvA]lanche> I'll join
[20:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> Best Teams:
[20:23] [SW]BardiKing> hw get the out here
[20:23] LockdowN_TAS> D4R
[20:23] Maztodonte-Perras> gggg
[20:23] Maztodonte-Perras> fsfsd
[20:23] LockdowN_TAS> log in m8
[20:23] D4R_OP> :biancad:
[20:23] Maztodonte-Perras> sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf
[20:23] Alejandro4> nici still plays?
[20:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Ninety + [SW]BardiKing + [GoD]Blanka vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + Maztodonte-Perras + [GoD]lebannen + LockdowN_TAS
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> woah danny shaman too
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[20:23] D4R_OP> maybe later Danni
[20:23] [AvA]lanche> yes, Nici still plays
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> brandy
[20:23] LockdowN_TAS> higher than ur :kekyou:
[20:23] Alejandro4> cool
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> HOSTTTTTTTT
[20:23] Alejandro4> nice to hear
[20:23] [SW]BardiKing> hw dont fuckin trool
[20:23] Invisible2> its ok play with hw
[20:23] Maztodonte-Perras> noo
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> what if i dont wanna
[20:23] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[20:23] LockdowN_TAS> nah im gonna wait for Spin
[20:23] [Rw]Ninety> shov host
[20:23] LockdowN_TAS> the major troll
[20:23] Invisible2> then ill take your spot :P
[20:23] Invisible2> joke
[20:23] [AvA]lanche> hw hijacking the hut to go afk :kekw:
[20:24] HagaChan out
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> ye lol
[20:24] Invisible2> koopa
[20:24] Invisible2> its time
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> loool
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> ye
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> good
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> go 1v1 and stream
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> ggoggog
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> koopa dont pretend being afk
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[20:24] Maztodonte-Perras> matt still ban??
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> always
[20:24] Invisible2> oh i forgot i still have to buy the game lmfao
[20:24] Maztodonte-Perras> :o
[20:24] LockdowN_TAS> Koopa
[20:24] LockdowN_TAS> thx for carrying me to shaman rank
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[20:24] LockdowN_TAS> :ezy:
[20:24] [AvA]lanche> matt permabanned
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> not me front\
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> dw brandy you owned him on minesweeper
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> yo
[20:24] D4R_OP> :lbiceps: :niciwide: :rbiceps:
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> so you will on aoe2
[20:24] [GoD]Blanka> kek
[20:24] [SW]BardiKing> dont put me front
[20:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> wait were is lockdown
[20:25] HagaChan out
[20:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> he was in on this
[20:25] LockdowN_TAS> ill play next game
[20:25] Invisible2> nah tbh he will destroy me, im to rusty
[20:25] LockdowN_TAS> neck hurts brah
[20:25] Invisible2> also he cannot bd allys if he have
[20:25] Invisible2> or cast volc
[20:25] [SW]BardiKing> but not me front we will lose
[20:25] Invisible2> so rip me
[20:25] [GoD]Blanka> guy doesnt destroy anyone
[20:30] Maztodonte-Perras> broking
[20:30] Maztodonte-Perras> again
[20:30] [AvA]lanche> Fuck, there's always someone
[20:30] [GoD]Blanka> alright i have to host i guess
[20:30] [GoD]Blanka> else the rotation sucks
[20:30] [Rw]Headhunterz> ffs...
[20:30] [Rw]Headhunterz> no bardi just lost internet again for the 20th time today
[20:30] Maztodonte-Perras> barking again?
[20:31] [Rw]Ninety> nah
[20:31] [Rw]Ninety> he quit
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[20:31] [Rw]Ninety> he didnt want front
[20:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> legit i think he quit lmao
[20:31] Invisible2> oh you relaunch
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> brandy come back
[20:31] [Rw]Ninety> come brandy
[20:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> okay then he can go fack himself
[20:31] Invisible2> did i take someones spot?
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> no
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> join
[20:31] MrSmokin_Hottie26> y no one asking for me :pepecry:
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> koopa getting meds
[20:31] [AvA]lanche> fuck*
[20:31] Invisible2> lol
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> [GoD]Blanka + [Rw]Ninety + Invisible2 + christo0972 vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + [GoD]lebannen + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]lanche
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> who front
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> 90?
[20:31] Invisible2> christo?
[20:31] MrSmokin_Hottie26> hurry up so i can spec already
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> and hunter other team
[20:31] Invisible2> lol
[20:31] [GoD]Blanka> lmao no
[20:32] [GoD]Blanka> stru koopa you old lame
[20:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :fu:
[20:32] [GoD]Blanka> k
[20:32] [GoD]Blanka> no one tells me shit
[20:32] [GoD]Blanka> so i do as i wish
[20:32] [GoD]Blanka> gl hf
[20:32] [Rw]Ninety> thats how it works
[20:33] [AvA]lanche> :pray: :bian: :pray:
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> lool
[20:33] Invisible2> ye im the only dumb one who always aks
[20:33] Maztodonte-Perras> sexoooooooooo
[20:33] Maztodonte-Perras> biancaaaaaaaa
[20:33] Maztodonte-Perras> :keke:
[20:33] [GoD]lebannen in
[20:33] Invisible2> and then have to rotate 20 times
[20:33] Maztodonte-Perras> :kek:
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> whos not launching
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> wtf
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> node join
[20:33] [Rw]Ninety> guess it was lebannen
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> ...
[20:33] christo0972> brb piss
[20:33] [GoD]Blanka> now i have to rotate again
[20:33] Invisible2> lol
[20:33] MrSmokin_Hottie26> lmaooo
[20:33] AtomicO_o> hi arbrim
[20:34] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :peepopoint:
[20:34] AtomicO_o> :D
[20:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> halloo
[20:35] [SW]BardiKing in
[20:35] [SW]BardiKing> pp
[20:35] [SW]BardiKing> is bhetter
[20:35] [AvA]Soma-> no pp please
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> it is better
[20:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeyyyy
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> ok walls
[20:36] [AvA]Soma-> walls ok
[20:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> 1 min lemme conect with ethernet cable
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing out
[20:36] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> but it is me and arbrim
[20:36] AtomicO_o> sw vs ita?
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[20:36] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> arbrim
[20:36] [SW]BardiKing> he loge out
[20:36] [GoD]lebannen out
[20:37] Ddog in
[20:37] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[20:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> map?
[20:38] AtomicO_o> walls fine
[20:38] [SW]BardiKing> ok walls
[20:40] Galambszar in
[20:44] kopulus in
[20:49] Ezra_TSI out
[20:53] Toxic_Royal in
[20:54] AtomicO_o out
[20:55] Garrbee in
[20:55] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp
[20:55] [AvA]Soma-> i ll never ally mix again in s2v2
[20:55] [SW]BardiKing> mix why always quit
[20:55] [SW]BardiKing> ?
[20:56] [AvA]Soma-> he had full base
[20:56] [SW]Sinegeiros> :|
[20:56] [SW]BardiKing> he always quit
[20:56] [SW]BardiKing> you did well soma
[20:56] [AvA]Soma-> i know
[20:56] [AvA]Soma-> but if my ally quit is bad
[20:56] [D]Doom in
[20:57] Alejandro4 out
[21:00] Updog_TSI in
[21:02] [AvA]Soma-> updog X
[21:02] [SW]Sinegeiros> this app will get you ping Updog_TSI https://i.imgur.com/RyIOxkn.png
[21:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[21:02] Invisible2 out
[21:02] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrrrrrrrrr5
[21:02] [GoD]Blanka> gg
[21:02] christo0972> gg
[21:02] [AvA]Soma-> +3
[21:02] [AvA]Soma-> +2
[21:02] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[21:02] [AvA]Soma-> +0
[21:02] Invisible2 in
[21:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol half my base was in yellows at that point
[21:03] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[21:03] Invisible2 out
[21:03] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[21:03] Invisible2 in
[21:03] [AvA]Soma-> ++++++++++++++1
[21:03] [AvA]Soma-> brandy
[21:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> i like front just keep building forward
[21:03] [AvA]Soma-> ++1
[21:03] Invisible2> [58] Multiple copies of the matchmaker are running, please close one
[21:03] Invisible2> aksjfksafjkasfasjfgasjfgasfghaskgjkas
[21:03] Invisible2> coukldnt join
[21:03] LockdowN_TAS out
[21:03] [AvA]Soma-> :(
[21:03] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + Maztodonte-Perras + Toxic_Royal vs. [D]Doom + christo0972 + kopulus + [GoD]lebannen
[21:03] [GoD]Blanka out
[21:04] Invisible2> my luck is insane
[21:04] Invisible2 out
[21:04] LockdowN_TAS in
[21:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> im gonna go to the gym real quick then il play some more
[21:04] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[21:04] [GoD]Blanka in
[21:04] [GoD]Blanka> go 4way
[21:04] [GoD]Blanka> :>
[21:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[21:05] [GoD]Blanka> koopa scared already gg
[21:05] LockdowN_TAS> did koopa just run away ?
[21:05] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[21:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[21:05] [GoD]Blanka> :topkek:
[21:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye do 4way
[21:05] [GoD]Blanka> Updog_TSI + [GoD]Blanka vs. LockdowN_TAS + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[21:05] [GoD]Blanka> lets own
[21:05] [GoD]Blanka> ez game vs the old man
[21:05] LockdowN_TAS> :monkamega:
[21:05] Invisible2 in
[21:06] [SW]Sinegeiros> hallo Invisible2
[21:06] [SW]Sinegeiros> come
[21:06] Invisible2> sorry i dont really like 2v2
[21:06] [SW]Sinegeiros> np hf
[21:06] Invisible2> ty you 2
[21:07] [SW]Sinegeiros> ty
[21:12] Maztodonte-Perras> ezzz
[21:12] [D]Doom> too ez
[21:12] [D]Doom> lol
[21:12] Toxic_Royal> wtd
[21:13] Toxic_Royal> f
[21:13] [AvA]lanche> should be a penalty for quitting under 8 minutes
[21:13] [D]Doom> true
[21:13] [AvA]Soma-> just don't rape enemy before 9 mins
[21:13] [AvA]lanche> ye
[21:13] [D]Doom> true too
[21:13] [D]Doom> lol
[21:13] [AvA]Soma-> i always do like this
[21:13] [D]Doom> i want big base invisible pls
[21:13] christo0972> do u reach after 9 min S oma ? lol ^^
[21:14] [D]Doom> Invisible2 + [AvA]lanche + [AvA]Soma- + [SW]BardiKing vs. Maztodonte-Perras + [D]Doom + [GoD]lebannen + christo0972
[21:14] Maztodonte-Perras> nonon
[21:14] Maztodonte-Perras> never ally domm again
[21:14] [D]Doom> lol
[21:14] Maztodonte-Perras> balance teams
[21:14] [D]Doom> team balance
[21:14] [D]Doom> lol
[21:14] [D]Doom> stop cry
[21:14] [AvA]Soma-> best ok
[21:15] Maztodonte-Perras> invisible play like a shaman
[21:15] christo0972> bardi switch
[21:15] [D]Doom> exactly best is ok
[21:15] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[21:15] christo0972> say best
[21:15] kopulus in
[21:15] [AvA]Soma-> brandy are you a shaman
[21:15] [AvA]Soma-> XD
[21:15] kopulus> my internet crashed -.-
[21:15] [D]Doom> coincidence
[21:16] [D]Doom> invisible afk
[21:16] Maztodonte-Perras> kopulous jajjajaaj
[21:16] Maztodonte-Perras> you quiterr
[21:16] [D]Doom> true
[21:16] [D]Doom> like me
[21:16] [AvA]lanche> once a quitter, always a quitter
[21:16] [D]Doom> yep
[21:16] kopulus out
[21:16] [AvA]Soma-> who is more quitter doom or mix?
[21:16] [D]Doom> soma host
[21:16] [D]Doom> invisible host
[21:16] kopulus> mygame lagged out
[21:16] [D]Doom> invisible afk
[21:16] [AvA]lanche> ya, uh huh
[21:16] [AvA]Soma-> come here
[21:17] [AvA]lanche> Only reason your shaman, Kopulus, bc you quit games you know you won't win before you lose the points :kekw:
[21:17] [AvA]Soma-> perrodonte come
[21:17] [AvA]Soma-> toruk here
[21:17] [AvA]lanche> shit, wrong hut
[21:18] kopulus> check game history
[21:18] kopulus> i lagged out
[21:18] kopulus> cause my net crashed
[21:18] kopulus> u trashtalker
[21:18] [AvA]lanche> :P
[21:18] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [D]Doom + Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]BardiKing vs. christo0972 + kopulus + [GoD]lebannen + [AvA]lanche
[21:18] [AvA]Soma-> teams ok?
[21:18] [D]Doom> always best ok
[21:18] [D]Doom> go
[21:18] [D]Doom> lol
[21:19] [D]Doom> that guy
[21:19] [AvA]Soma-> kopulus crashed again
[21:19] [D]Doom> a shaman rank scared
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> arbrim is working
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> hes afk
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> kopolus
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> but ok
[21:19] kopulus> teams will suck
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> stay there
[21:19] [D]Doom> go
[21:19] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + Invisible2 + [SW]BardiKing + [AvA]lanche vs. christo0972 + [D]Doom + Maztodonte-Perras + [GoD]lebannen
[21:19] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[21:22] ScoobyDoo in
[21:23] [D]Jusuf in
[21:25] [D]Doom out
[21:25] Maztodonte-Perras> hahaha+
[21:25] Maztodonte-Perras> teams quiterrs
[21:25] Maztodonte-Perras> ever
[21:26] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp!!!
[21:26] [AvA]lanche> Doom, what's with this quitting trend?
[21:26] [AvA]Soma-> sorry doom but i have to kick you if you join again
[21:26] [AvA]Soma-> last 4 games i played with you you always quit
[21:26] [AvA]lanche> oh, he logged out
[21:26] [AvA]Soma-> i ll avoid him
[21:26] Maztodonte-Perras> he quit
[21:26] Maztodonte-Perras> bro
[21:26] [AvA]lanche> ye, he cost me 4 pts yesterday over 2 games
[21:26] [AvA]Soma-> he always quit
[21:26] zanaveska in
[21:26] [AvA]lanche> he's turning into Doug :kekw:
[21:27] [AvA]Soma-> mix is better ,he quits a lot but he is nice
[21:27] Invisible2> can we do other map?
[21:27] [AvA]Soma-> maybe affected by DOUGVID-19
[21:27] [AvA]lanche> mana battle
[21:27] Maztodonte-Perras> walls
[21:27] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[21:27] Maztodonte-Perras> or yes
[21:27] Maztodonte-Perras> mana battle
[21:27] [SW]BardiKing> manan
[21:27] [SW]BardiKing> is good
[21:27] [SW]BardiKing> yes
[21:27] Maztodonte-Perras> sexooo for all
[21:28] [AvA]Soma-> mana with brave ranks is a bit weird
[21:28] [AvA]lanche> this map is two big-ass men with tiny dicks fighting over a burrito
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> haa
[21:28] Invisible2> actually ye
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> hahahahhahaha
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> my gues
[21:28] Invisible2> better walls maybe
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> no
[21:28] Invisible2> but im ok with any
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> manna
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> always walls
[21:28] Maztodonte-Perras> go
[21:28] Maztodonte-Perras> mana
[21:28] christo0972> i like mana
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> do pls manana
[21:28] Maztodonte-Perras> ijfryoiuoiufqijwufrtioehduierufgjvhuihf
[21:28] D4R_OP in
[21:28] [AvA]Soma-> walls better with this teams
[21:28] Maztodonte-Perras> bananana
[21:28] christo0972> not often played
[21:28] Invisible2> ye true
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> mamaaa
[21:28] christo0972> it change
[21:28] [SW]BardiKing> mana
[21:28] Maztodonte-Perras> manananana
[21:28] christo0972> a little bit
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> do manan
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> do amna
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> mana
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> better
[21:29] [AvA]Soma-> mana with brave ranks is not good
[21:29] [AvA]Soma-> so we do walls
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> team
[21:29] christo0972> same
[21:29] [AvA]Soma-> if you don't wanna play leave hut
[21:29] christo0972> all maps
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> what is the team
[21:29] Invisible2> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]BardiKing vs. christo0972 + ScoobyDoo + Invisible2 + Toxic_Royal
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> soma 1 question
[21:29] Invisible2> royal and the noobs vs rest
[21:29] [SW]BardiKing> can you stfu
[21:30] [AvA]Soma-> vA]Soma- + ScoobyDoo + [SW]BardiKing + Invisible2 vs. christo0972 + [AvA]lanche + Maztodonte-Perras + Toxic_Royal
[21:30] Invisible2> oh
[21:30] [AvA]Soma-> my best was different
[21:30] Maztodonte-Perras> like
[21:30] [AvA]Soma-> but it's the same
[21:30] Maztodonte-Perras> go
[21:30] Invisible2> your best is better
[21:30] christo0972> best says [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]BardiKing vs. christo0972 + ScoobyDoo + Invisible2 + Toxic_Royal
[21:30] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[21:30] [AvA]Soma-> let's do this
[21:30] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[21:31] [SW]BardiKing> this is beter
[21:31] zanaveska out
[21:31] zanaveska in
[21:31] zanaveska out
[21:32] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:32] Garrbee out
[21:33] Ddog out
[21:33] Galambszar out
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:37] Bignoobmanfr in
[21:37] kopulus out
[21:38] DikiniBottom69420 in
[21:40] Ezra_TSI in
[21:41] Ezra_TSI out
[21:41] DikiniBottom69420 out
[21:43] [GoD]Blanka> gg wp
[21:44] Updog_TSI> :gg:
[21:44] Updog_TSI> i won on 4way
[21:44] Updog_TSI> thats unusual
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[21:45] LockdowN_TAS> ive been losing on 4way. Nothing wrong with that :kekw:
[21:45] Updog_TSI> it was my worst map
[21:45] Updog_TSI> back when the stats and stuff worked properly
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> i wanted you to lb to koopa tho, paper
[21:45] Updog_TSI> on the website
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> still worked out
[21:45] Updog_TSI> ah yeah
[21:46] LockdowN_TAS> me too
[21:46] LockdowN_TAS> The Great Worlds - 4way (lost 55%)
[21:46] Updog_TSI> mines some blast worlds now or sth lol
[21:46] Updog_TSI> but for real maps im pretty sure its that lol
[21:47] LockdowN_TAS> +2 fo
[21:48] LockdowN_TAS> great
[21:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> doo doo
[21:48] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[21:48] [GoD]Blanka> hw too good
[21:49] LockdowN_TAS> Abrim
[21:49] LockdowN_TAS> you need to relog
[21:49] LockdowN_TAS> for ping
[21:49] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[21:49] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[21:50] Invisible2> that was the shittest best i ever see
[21:50] christo0972> we need the best at front to stop pressure
[21:50] Invisible2> and thats something
[21:50] Toxic_Royal> yep pretty unfair game
[21:50] Invisible2> im sorry royal
[21:50] christo0972> im very bad on 3V3
[21:50] christo0972> at walls
[21:51] Invisible2> it was 4v4
[21:51] Updog_TSI> tf
[21:51] Invisible2> lol
[21:51] christo0972> same
[21:51] Updog_TSI> well i have my star idk
[21:51] christo0972> land
[21:51] Toxic_Royal> but the main problem is where is my wood wtf
[21:51] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:51] [GoD]Blanka> lool
[21:51] Invisible2> 2v2 is also same land
[21:51] christo0972> XD
[21:51] christo0972> scooby ?
[21:51] LockdowN_TAS> stolen
[21:51] LockdowN_TAS> prolly Bardhi
[21:51] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[21:51] [SW]Sinegeiros> hey updog
[21:51] [SW]Sinegeiros> portforward
[21:51] [SW]Sinegeiros> youre host
[21:51] [SW]Sinegeiros> do it
[21:51] LockdowN_TAS> he did the same to me :kekw:
[21:51] LockdowN_TAS> or Mazto
[21:51] Toxic_Royal> I can play unfair game but do not steal my wood please
[21:52] Invisible2> hi mibbel
[21:52] Toxic_Royal> that the only thing i can have fun with
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> host me then?
[21:52] [GoD]Blanka> lmao royal same here
[21:52] [AvA]Mibbel> hi :) all good?
[21:52] Invisible2> who did?
[21:52] Invisible2> royal
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> you see, portforward doesnt work mate
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> diesnt
[21:52] [GoD]Blanka> hi mib
[21:52] LockdowN_TAS> someone call Spin
[21:52] Invisible2> green?
[21:52] christo0972> sometime i got 50 pop in 5 min sometimes 30 XD
[21:52] [AvA]Mibbel> hi :)
[21:52] LockdowN_TAS> he lied
[21:52] [GoD]Blanka> about what
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> oh no no didnt mean to let me host
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> i meant host me :D hahahha
[21:52] LockdowN_TAS> he said he'll come in 2h
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> be able to host me if you can :D
[21:52] LockdowN_TAS> ffs its been 3h
[21:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> FORZAA
[21:52] Toxic_Royal> I'm okay to lose the game if i can micro manage my wood fr
[21:53] LockdowN_TAS> like do i need to wait until morning again? :yikes:
[21:53] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp!
[21:53] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[21:53] LockdowN_TAS> actually its already is
[21:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> yess, when somoene has host should be able to host everyone
[21:53] [D]Jusuf out
[21:53] [AvA]lanche> looks like Scooby was afk for most of the game
[21:53] [AvA]lanche> only cast 2 blast
[21:54] LockdowN_TAS> paper host m8
[21:54] Invisible2> well scooby and christo same team was impossible
[21:54] Invisible2> no offence
[21:54] christo0972> true
[21:54] [GoD]Blanka> xd
[21:54] [AvA]lanche> up to them to speak up
[21:54] christo0972> so imagine brandy with us
[21:54] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [SW]BardiKing + D4R_OP + Toxic_Royal vs. christo0972 + [SW]Sinegeiros + Maztodonte-Perras + Bignoobmanfr
[21:54] Invisible2> lol christo
[21:54] Invisible2> you wanna be kicked mate?
[21:54] christo0972> u can dw
[21:54] Invisible2> nah joke
[21:55] Invisible2> i like you <3
[21:55] christo0972> last time u didnt joke
[21:55] Invisible2> map?
[21:55] Invisible2> omg
[21:55] [SW]BardiKing> i like blues place in 8p walls
[21:55] [SW]BardiKing> its the best
[21:55] [SW]BardiKing> its like yellows or reds
[21:55] [AvA]lanche> Scooby, what happened? You were afk for over 10 minutes
[21:55] [SW]BardiKing> it isnt
[21:55] [SW]Sinegeiros> test
[21:55] [SW]BardiKing> like y and r
[21:57] DikiniBottom69420 in
[21:58] DikiniBottom69420> my game stopped working :(
[21:58] Updog_TSI> +
[21:58] Updog_TSI> 2
[21:58] Updog_TSI> :+2:
[21:59] LockdowN_TAS> surely ppl scared of us
[21:59] LockdowN_TAS> :ezy:
[22:00] Updog_TSI> :lul:
[22:01] DikiniBottom69420 out
[22:09] ScoobyDoo out
[22:10] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[22:10] LockdowN_TAS> :monkamega:
[22:10] LockdowN_TAS> Spin you liar
[22:10] LockdowN_TAS> u said 2 hours
[22:10] LockdowN_TAS> that was 3
[22:10] LockdowN_TAS> :ikillu:
[22:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> :rip:
[22:11] Updog_TSI> yo
[22:11] Updog_TSI> spin
[22:11] Updog_TSI> yes
[22:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> go me n danny
[22:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> sess / walls ?
[22:12] Updog_TSI> fofof?
[22:13] LockdowN_TAS> idm map, just not 4way again
[22:16] [D]Doom in
[22:18] kopulus in
[22:20] LockdowN_TAS> Spin
[22:20] LockdowN_TAS> try your host
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> let me host?
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> u got 1 k ping dude
[22:20] LockdowN_TAS> lmaoo
[22:20] LockdowN_TAS> sec
[22:20] LockdowN_TAS out
[22:21] LockdowN_TAS in
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> u guys wanna do fo again or
[22:21] Updog_TSI> ye
[22:21] [Rw]Jops in
[22:22] HagaChan in
[22:23] verklopper out
[22:23] Plumbum_Moa out
[22:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright back from the gym
[22:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets play some more games
[22:25] [GoD]Blanka out
[22:26] HagaChan out
[22:27] Invisible2> ggwp
[22:27] [SW]BardiKing> gg WP
[22:27] Toxic_Royal> gg
[22:28] christo0972> he had me wheni was near frt i was bded
[22:28] [AvA]lanche out
[22:28] Maztodonte-Perras out
[22:29] [SW]BardiKing> good night i had to sleep
[22:29] Ezra_TSI in
[22:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> byee
[22:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> good nigh wp bardi
[22:29] [SW]BardiKing out
[22:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2
[22:29] Ezra_TSI out
[22:29] Invisible2> gn bardhi
[22:29] Invisible2> oh he logged out
[22:29] [SW]BardiKing> GN
[22:29] [SW]BardiKing> guys
[22:30] christo0972> gn guys have fun ^^
[22:30] Invisible2> gn
[22:30] [AvA]Soma- out
[22:30] christo0972 out
[22:31] Toxic_Royal> gn gg
[22:31] Toxic_Royal out
[22:32] kopulus out
[22:32] [D]Doom out
[22:33] [D]Doom in
[22:33] [D]Doom> +3
[22:35] Svarog out
[22:37] [D]Doom> spinoff
[22:37] [D]Doom> +1
[22:38] [Rw]Jops> cmon paper boi
[22:38] [Rw]Jops> awww sickbignoob
[22:38] Invisible2> Invisible2 + D4R_OP + Bignoobmanfr + LockdowN_TAS vs. [Rw]Jops + [D]Doom + [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]Headhunterz
[22:38] [Rw]Jops> Rise up French gang!
[22:38] Invisible2> map?
[22:38] Invisible2> gin tonic?
[22:38] [D]Doom> no
[22:38] [D]Doom> go walls
[22:38] [Rw]Headhunterz> push
[22:38] LockdowN_TAS> yes push
[22:38] LockdowN_TAS> sec
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS> reloging
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS out
[22:39] [Rw]Jops> im good with push
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS in
[22:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol lock you wanted to go for the nice look
[22:39] Invisible2> lockdown and psinn front?
[22:39] Invisible2> spinn*
[22:39] [D]Doom> yes
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS> yes
[22:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> idc i can be front or back
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS> lmaoo
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> yess
[22:39] LockdowN_TAS> me n spin front
[22:40] [D]Doom> give me big base
[22:40] Bignoobmanfr> no
[22:40] LockdowN_TAS> i was just trying to not get my allies offende by Spin whos 2nd in the league rn
[22:40] LockdowN_TAS> at least u have me :kekw:
[22:40] Bignoobmanfr> lol
[22:40] [Rw]Jops> stick me at the back
[22:40] [Rw]Jops> oh wait its push
[22:40] [Rw]Jops> make me smal
[22:40] [D]Jusuf in
[22:44] DikiniBottom69420 in
[23:01] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[23:01] Ayebee out
[23:16] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[23:16] LockdowN_TAS> jeez
[23:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg boys
[23:16] [D]Doom> gg wp
[23:16] LockdowN_TAS> 1st ever breakthroough on front
[23:16] [Rw]Jops> ermagherd i went 17-9
[23:16] [D]Jusuf> :feelsglassesman:
[23:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> sorry about that :)
[23:16] [Rw]Jops> wtf happened
[23:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> i used 2 fs and all the rest to break everything in the front :P
[23:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> Invisible2 + LockdowN_TAS + [Rw]Jops + Updog_TSI vs. [D]Jusuf + D4R_OP + [GoD]Spinnifix + [D]Doom
[23:16] [D]Jusuf> hi doom
[23:16] Lawyer_Johnson in
[23:16] [D]Doom> sup jozef
[23:17] Invisible2> map?
[23:17] [D]Jusuf> nm
[23:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> mana battle?
[23:17] Invisible2> sure
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> yeeeah
[23:17] LockdowN_TAS out
[23:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> o shit i thought i was in
[23:17] [D]Jusuf> eric danny relog
[23:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> meh
[23:17] LockdowN_TAS in
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> I like to think me using the hill against black helped
[23:17] [D]Jusuf> you whore
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> one hold side of their D wasnt covered
[23:17] [Rw]Jops> whole*
[23:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> danny
[23:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[23:17] Invisible2> who joined?
[23:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> your leaving me and danny behind
[23:18] D4R_OP> eric
[23:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> noooo
[23:18] LockdowN_TAS> its fulllllllll Spin
[23:18] D4R_OP> kick him :nice:
[23:18] [D]Jusuf> ERIC dannys seat
[23:18] [Rw]Jops> just a relief to have doom on my team for once lol
[23:18] Invisible2> take my spot
[23:18] [D]Jusuf> :V
[23:18] Invisible2> danny
[23:18] Invisible2> its ok
[23:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> nooooo
[23:18] [D]Jusuf> gn Brandy
[23:18] Lawyer_Johnson> sec
[23:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> :
[23:18] [D]Jusuf> you're too gud
[23:18] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[23:18] LockdowN_TAS> sec
[23:18] Invisible2> lol
[23:18] LockdowN_TAS out
[23:18] [D]Jusuf> never feel bad for kicking eric
[23:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> :kek:
[23:18] Invisible2> i dont like to kick people
[23:18] LockdowN_TAS in
[23:18] Invisible2> only punch
[23:19] [D]Doom> lol
[23:19] [D]Jusuf> ye but eric is an exception
[23:19] [D]Jusuf> ofc
[23:19] LockdowN_TAS> ughh
[23:19] LockdowN_TAS> everyone loves my seat
[23:19] Invisible2> also im to noob for your hut right now
[23:19] LockdowN_TAS> :monjkas:
[23:19] [D]Jusuf> no we have me and jops
[23:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> meh
[23:19] [D]Jusuf> do not too noob for you
[23:19] LockdowN_TAS> Inca
[23:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [D]Jusuf + D4R_OP + Updog_TSI vs. LockdowN_TAS + Lawyer_Johnson + [Rw]Jops + [D]Doom
[23:19] LockdowN_TAS> pop 10pw hen?
[23:19] Invisible2> you guys are better then me lol
[23:19] [Rw]Jops> I am king noob
[23:20] [D]Jusuf> I am not
[23:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> let me in then lol
[23:20] Invisible2> yes joseph
[23:20] [D]Jusuf> I will soon be spy
[23:20] Invisible2> accept that
[23:20] [D]Jusuf> if I have my way
[23:20] [Rw]Jops> i have a bad feeling about this game lol
[23:20] [Rw]Jops> thought we doing mana spin?
[23:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> ye im not in it
[23:20] [D]Doom> https://discord.com/channels/375326322903351297/782287607290789890/1275080927697047613
[23:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> thats the bad feeling
[23:20] [D]Doom> about add 4 more tribes
[23:20] Invisible2> someone streaming?
[23:21] [D]Doom> wait
[23:21] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[23:21] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2 2v2
[23:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> look at the shaman kills of last game
[23:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> was going well again
[23:25] Invisible2> wow thats great mate, nice job
[23:25] Invisible2> please teach me
[23:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol haha just dont shaman click to much or if you do make sure its when he just fired :P
[23:27] Invisible2> oh so you dont do shaman click?
[23:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> no sometimes but mostly aim
[23:27] Invisible2> i always do
[23:27] Invisible2> kk i have to try different
[23:27] Invisible2> my shaman kills are always shit
[23:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> you can but make sure he just got hit or he just shot then he is standing still
[23:28] Invisible2> ye or sending ghosts to them also works
[23:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> y that aswell
[23:33] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[23:33] [D]Doom> Power off guys
[23:33] [D]Doom> Sorry
[23:33] [D]Doom> And jops dont be distuptive
[23:33] [D]Doom> If you want say something Talk when Game finished
[23:34] [D]Doom> You distract me alot with pointless comment
[23:34] [Rw]Jops> why i cant fix it after the game
[23:34] [D]Jusuf> doom lost power
[23:34] [Rw]Jops> you build like a fucking reeeetard
[23:34] LockdowN_TAS> idk man these guys
[23:34] LockdowN_TAS> ughh
[23:34] LockdowN_TAS> eric in
[23:34] [D]Jusuf> he message me
[23:34] Lawyer_Johnson out
[23:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + [D]Jusuf + Invisible2 vs. LockdowN_TAS + Updog_TSI + [Rw]Jops + [Rw]Headhunterz
[23:35] [D]Jusuf> sec save my spot
[23:35] [D]Jusuf out
[23:35] Lawyer_Johnson in
[23:35] [Rw]Jops> who gets distracted by reading, i was going to say "is he dumb"
[23:35] [Rw]Jops> but the answer is yes after the way he built
[23:35] [D]Jusuf in
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> guys what compatibility do you run mm in?
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> windows 7?
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> or 8
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> or xp
[23:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> windows 98
[23:36] [Rw]Jops> dont think i run it in any
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> :monkahmm:
[23:36] [D]Jusuf> brb
[23:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> just normal lol
[23:36] [D]Jusuf out
[23:36] LockdowN_TAS> 10
[23:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> windows normal
[23:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea
[23:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> windows normal
[23:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> normal is a version
[23:36] [D]Doom out
[23:37] [Rw]Jops> seriously though, have many rows of huts should back base have
[23:37] [D]Doom> When you tell me that it is a good thing to talk in the middle of a game, you tell me, all you did was distract me. At the end of the game it is better because there is a debate and everyone can give their opinion. Learn to be a good player.
[23:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> no compat spin jeez
[23:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> :kekyou:
[23:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> careful
[23:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> rotterdam is just known for its architecture
[23:37] [Rw]Jops> distract you because you robbed me of 8 huts lol
[23:37] [D]Doom> Bro im Big base ill carry you
[23:37] [D]Jusuf in
[23:37] [Rw]Jops> you had a chance to remove the plans and just carried on
[23:37] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[23:37] [Rw]Jops> your not spin jesus christ
[23:37] [D]Doom> When i play like back base i give all my space to Big base
[23:37] [Rw]Jops> you arent carrying anyon
[23:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + Invisible2 + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. LockdowN_TAS + Lawyer_Johnson + [D]Jusuf + [Rw]Jops
[23:38] [D]Jusuf> doom players wont like when you take their land
[23:38] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:38] [D]Jusuf> back base should have two rows each side
[23:38] [D]Jusuf> unless you ally tsu
[23:38] LockdowN_TAS> ^^
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> lol i said that in PM
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> even tsu doesnt do that
[23:38] [D]Doom> II'm not complaining about that, my job is simply to support.
[23:38] [D]Jusuf> tsu it makes sense lol
[23:38] LockdowN_TAS> he does tbh
[23:38] [D]Jusuf> tsu is a mana god
[23:38] LockdowN_TAS> lool
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> what do you mean your not complaining
[23:38] LockdowN_TAS> but he'll carry u in late game
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> thats the crux of the whole argument
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> you took my land, and when i pointed it out
[23:38] LockdowN_TAS> with his unlimited mana and troops
[23:38] [Rw]Jops> you said "lol"
[23:39] [D]Doom> Im not conplaining about give my space to my Big base player
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> you could have removed the plans, explained anything, you just said lol
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> then everyone has said you're wrong
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> and youre like "nah"
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> madness
[23:39] [D]Doom> I already told you when you tell me that you win by talking in the middle of a game, let me know.
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> you didnt even say sorry
[23:39] [Rw]Jops> you're hopeless
[23:40] [D]Doom> If you do it to feel good, you are on the wrong path.
[23:40] [D]Doom> I dont like talk meanwhile im playing sorry
[23:40] [D]Doom> Im Focus on my game
[23:41] [Rw]Jops> I dont do it to feel good you moron
[23:41] [Rw]Jops> I do it to point out a mistake
[23:41] [Rw]Jops> at which point you say "oh my bad"
[23:41] [Rw]Jops> not "lol" and carry on building, what is so hard to understand, everyone explained it to you, and you can't even own the mistake
[23:42] [D]Doom> Look at the difference in conversation between you and me, you have been offending me as you please and I have never disrespected you.
[23:42] [Rw]Jops> You probably cant think of an insult quickly enough based on that game
[23:42] [D]Doom> I dont want say that cause from my perspective I'm doing well
[23:43] [Rw]Jops> Do you go through the rest if your life like this, incapable of owning a mistake and saying ýýýmy badýýý
[23:43] [Rw]Jops> Thats all it took
[23:43] [D]Doom> Idc if a game or not, words hurt
[23:43] [D]Doom> Im not did ant mistske
[23:43] [Rw]Jops> Lol Jo and Eric told you you were wrong
[23:44] [Rw]Jops> How is that not a mistakr
[23:44] [D]Doom> Just because several people say I'm wrong doesn't mean they're right.
[23:44] [GoD]lebannen out
[23:45] [D]Doom> the point is pointless talking in the middle of a game
[23:45] [Rw]Jops> Rofl, i didnt realise you were so ignorant
[23:46] [D]Doom> You don't solve anything with that, if you find a good point, that's your briefcase
[23:46] [D]Doom> continues to say insults
[23:49] [GoD]lebannen in
[23:55] Bignoobmanfr out